github smartcontractkit/external-adapters-js v1.17.0
Release v1.17.0

latest releases: v1.121.0, v1.120.0, v1.119.0...
2 years ago


New Adapters

  • Add Celsius Address List adapter support to Proof of Reserve composite adapter

Notable changes

Adapter Version
@chainlink/celsius-address-list-wallet-adapter 1.0.2
@chainlink/proof-of-reserves-adapter 1.5.1


  • Update CoinGecko and CoinPaprika to use IDs instead of tickers when an ID is available
  • Allow individual EAs to override framework defaults
    • Cache is enabled by default for the layer2-sequencer-health-adapter EA
    • Turn on WebSockets on by default for NCFX and onchain-gas EAs

Notable changes

Adapter Version
@chainlink/coingecko-adapter 1.4.1
@chainlink/coinpaprika-adapter 1.7.0
@chainlink/layer2-sequencer-health-adapter-adapter 1.2.2
@chainlink/ncfx-adapter 1.2.1
@chainlink/onchain-gas-adapter 1.2.1
@chainlink/coinranking-adapter 1.1.23

Bug Fixes

  • Fix issues related to bETH/USD calculation. Issues were mainly due to token pair exchange rates being flipped the wrong way around for the Anchor EA

Notable changes

Adapter Version
@chainlink/anchor-adapter 3.2.1
  • Fix issue with per second rate limits not being enforced
    Note: The fix for the per second rate limit affects all EAs with a per second API limit. Refer to ECR for the latest version numbers

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