github smartcontractkit/chainlink v1.0.0

latest releases: v2.14.0-beta0, v2.13.0, v2.13.0-rc0...
2 years ago


  • chainlink node db status will now display a table of applied and pending migrations.
  • Add support for OKEx/ExChain.


Legacy job pipeline (JSON specs) are no longer supported

This version will refuse to migrate the database if job specs are still present. You must manually delete or migrate all V1 job specs before upgrading.

For more information on migrating, see the docs.

This release will DROP legacy job tables so please take a backup before upgrading.

New env vars

LAYER_2_TYPE - For layer 2 chains only. Configure the type of chain, either Arbitrum or Optimism.


  • Head sampling can now be optionally disabled by setting ETH_HEAD_TRACKER_SAMPLING_INTERVAL = "0s" - this will result in every new head being delivered to running jobs,
    regardless of the head frequency from the chain.
  • When creating new FluxMonitor jobs, the validation logic now checks that only one of: drumbeat ticker or idle timer is enabled.
  • Added a new Prometheus metric: uptime_seconds which measures the number of seconds the node has been running. It can be helpful in detecting potential crashes.


Fixed a regression whereby the BlockHistoryEstimator would use a bumped value on old gas price even if the new current price was larger than the bumped value.

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