github smallstep/certificates v0.17.3
Step CA v0.17.3 (21-09-24)

latest releases: v0.26.1, v0.26.0, v0.26.0-rc2...
2 years ago

Official Release Artifacts


OSX Darwin


For more builds across platforms and architectures, see the Assets section below.
And for packaged versions (Docker, k8s, Homebrew), see our installation docs.

Don't see the artifact you need? Open an issue here.

Signatures and Checksums

step-ca uses sigstore/cosign for signing and verifying release artifacts.

Below is an example using cosign to verify a release artifact:

cosign verify-blob \
  -key \
  -signature ~/Downloads/step-ca_darwin_0.17.3_amd64.tar.gz.sig

The checksums.txt file (in the Assets section below) contains a checksum for every artifact in the release.


28bd2ef Merge pull request #711 from smallstep/oidc-admin-group
963eaf8 Fix line in changelog
9eb7577 Add line to changelog.
a50654b Check for admins in both emails and groups.
7f00cc7 Clarify changelog feature.
2ae6b42 Add missing feature to the changelog.
2cf4127 Merge pull request #710 from smallstep/upgrade-go-jose
ad82d8a Upgrade as long with go-jose.v2
2d5bfd3 fix comment
04784be Update cert-renewer@.service
845fa07 Merge pull request #708 from smallstep/helm-fix
4fde7b5 Use badgerv2 the default in helm too.
ebf1afa Merge pull request #707 from smallstep/password-flags
cfe08ad Add flags to usage.
6729c79 Add support for setting individual password for ssh and tls keys
8df9f62 go mod tidy
4daef5d Merge pull request #703 from hslatman/hs/update-pkcs7
73d0a11 Update
611859e Update
e3acea9 Add release page link to install docs
23add69 Merge pull request #702 from smallstep/max/release-header


Those were the changes on v0.17.3!

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