github smallrye/smallrye-fault-tolerance 6.7.0

latest release: 6.7.1
13 days ago
  • #1093 release 6.7.0
  • #1092 make the NewConfig class and its methods public
  • #1091 disable producing a Guard / TypedGuard with an identifier of global
  • #1090 update Java versions in CI: add 24-ea
  • #1088 add better config properties
  • #1086 bump the version number to 6.7.0-SNAPSHOT
  • #1085 fix the RememberEventLoop strategy
  • #1084 Improvements
  • #1082 enable declarative @fallback and thread offload with @ApplyGuard
  • #1079 add ability to disable individual metric providers
  • #1078 Exposing MP Config properties for individually disabling metrics providers
  • #1077 rewrite the core implementation and introduce a 2nd version of the programmatic API
  • #796 improve reusability of programmatic FaultTolerance instances

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