Packaged with PECMD, WinXShell, ImDisk, Classic Shell, StartIsBack, 7-Zip, PENetwork, HotSwap!, yong IME,
and NTBOOTAUTOFIX, SetupXP, UEfix, Notepad3, BOOTICE, CPU-Z, Dism++, Everything, NTPWEdit, WinNTSetup, SumatraPDF
Could be downloaded: Chrome, LibreOffice.
NOTICE: If NTBOOTAUTOFIX, SetupXP, UEfix cause AV alarm, just delete them.
NOTICE: The next files have Chinese characters for the shortcuts, contextmenus, Please change them if you are not use Windows in Chinese.
Z:\WimBuilder2\vendor\_PEMaterial_\Program Files\Notepad3\Notepad3.reg
NOTICE: You need check the App\7-Zip, Wow64 support option to support 3rd part application installers.
WimBuilder2-Full.v2020-04-04.7z (49.65 MB) MD5: 2a375637642824693d5239cc1a8a34b5