github slackapi/bolt-js @slack/bolt@4.0.0-rc.4

pre-release8 hours ago

Bolt v4 Release Candidate 4

A lot! We have prepared a migration guide to help bolt-js consumers migrate their bolt v3 apps to v4.

What's Changed

Breaking Changes

Middleware Type Changes

In bolt we have a set of Slack*MiddlewareArgs types: for events, shortcuts, commands, and so on. They 'wrap' the underlying event payloads with additional middleware-relevant bits like a next() method, a context object for devs to augment, and so on.

Many of these types, for example the SlackEventMiddlewareArgs type, previously used a conditional to sometimes define particular additional helper utilities on the middleware arguments. For example, the say utility, or tacking on a convenience message property for message-event-related payloads. This was problematic in practice in TypeScript situations, not just internally (this change fixes #2135) within the bolt codebase but for developers as well: when the payload was not of a type that required the extra utility, these properties would be required to exist on the middleware arguments but have a value of undefined. Those of us trying to build generic middleware utilities would have to deal with TS compilation errors and needing to liberally type-cast to avoid these conditional mismatches with undefined.

Instead, these MiddlewareArgs types now conditionally create a type intersection when appropriate in order to provide this conditional-utility-extension mechanism. In practice that looks something like:

type SomeMiddlewareArgs<EventType extends string = string> = {
  // some type in here
} & (EventType extends 'message'
  // If this is a message event, add a `message` property
  ? { message: EventFromType<EventType> }
  : unknown

With the above, now when a message payload is wrapped up into middleware arguments, it will contain an appropriate message property, whereas a non-message payload will be intersected with unknown - effectively a type "noop." No more e.g. say: undefined or message: undefined to deal with!

Other Breaking Changes

  • drops node v14 and v16 (are now EOL'ed)
  • express to v4->v5; ExpressReceiver users will be exposed to express v4 -> v5 breaking changes
  • upgrades to @slack/socket-mode v2; SocketModeReceiver users who have attached custom event listeners to the public socketModeClient directly should read the v1 -> v2 migration guide in case the major upgrade could affect them
  • upgrades @slack/web-api v7; all users should read the web-api v6->v7 migration guide to see what the scope of breaking changes the client within listeners is affected by
  • removed exported type: KnownKeys
  • @slack/types now exist under a named export types.
  • removed the SocketModeFunctions class that had a single static method on it and instead directly exposed the defaultProcessEventErrorHandler method from it.
  • the built-in middleware functions ignoreSelf and directMention now no longer must be invoked as a method in order to return middleware; instead they are middleware to be used directly. this lines up the API for these built-in middlewares to match the other builtins.
  • AWSReceiver's AwsEvent interface now models event payloads a bit differently; we now properly model AWS API Gateway v1 and v2 payloads separately.
  • remove deprecated methods/modules/properties:
    • OptionsRequest interface
    • authed_users and authed_teams from event payload envelope
    • render-html-for-install-path module
    • verify and VerifyOptions from the verify-request module
    • src/receivers/http-utils.ts module

Non-breaking Changes

  • expose the bundled @slack/web-api dependency under the webApi named export
  • fixed an issue in AwsLambdaReceiver where apps with no registered handlers that processed an incoming event would still log out an error related to not acknowledging the request in time. Resolves #2284
  • dependency updates:
    • upgrades raw-body to v3
    • upgrades @slack/oauth to v3
    • removes promise.allsettled since that is natively supported in node since v14
    • moves @types/tsscmp to dev dependencies since that is not exposed to developers

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