github skyjake/lagrange v1.18.5

22 hours ago
  • Fixed a potential crash when browsing to a bookmarked page due to inadvertent ID number overflow. (Courtesy of @cthulhu.)
  • Erase possible link icon leftovers after toggling link numbering.
  • Fixed hang when encountering the U+FDFD character.
  • Fixed layout issue with empty list widgets (focus border only partially visible).
  • Updated UI translations.

What's new in v1.18?

OS Download Details
Linux Desktop x86_64 AppImage Built on Ubuntu 18.04. (sig) (zsync)
armhf AppImage Built on Raspbian 10 (Buster). (sig) (zsync)
macOS Desktop Apple arm64 Requires macOS 11.0 or later. (sig)
Intel x86_64 Requires macOS 10.13 or later. (sig)
Windows Desktop setup.exe (64-bit) Requires 64-bit Windows 7 or later. (sig) (64-bit) Requires 64-bit Windows 7 or later. Can be extracted and run as-is — user files will be stored under the "userdata" subdirectory. (sig)
Linux Terminal x86_64 AppImage Curses-based text UI. Built on Ubuntu 18.04. (sig) (zsync)
armhf AppImage Curses-based text UI. Built on Raspbian 10 (Buster). (sig) (zsync)
macOS Terminal Apple arm64 Curses-based text UI. Installs to "/usr/local/bin/clagrange". Requires macOS 11.0 or later. (sig)
Intel x86_64 Curses-based text UI. Installs to "/usr/local/bin/clagrange". Requires macOS 10.13 or later. (sig)
Any Source tarball Contains all the required source files including dependencies. This is recommended for source builds. (sig)

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