github skeletonlabs/skeleton @skeletonlabs/skeleton-cli@0.0.1

latest releases: @skeletonlabs/skeleton-cli@0.0.4, @skeletonlabs/skeleton-cli@0.0.3, @skeletonlabs/skeleton-cli@0.0.2...
one day ago

Patch Changes

  • Feature: The class: directive will also be transformed when they're not also an identifier. (#3367)

  • Bugfix: transformations on the package.json now preserve the original indentation. (#3367)

  • Bugfix: cwd was wrongly interpeted. (#3367)

  • Bugfix (migrate/skeleton-3): Perserve non-skeleton imports and identifiers. (#3367)

  • Feature: app.html is now transformed. (#3367)

  • Feature: Svelte template code is now included when migrating svelte code. (#3367)

  • Feature: Better error handling is now in place. (#3367)

  • Bugfix (migrate/skeleton-3): Export mappings are safely accessed. (#3367)

  • Feature (migrate/skeleton-3): Installing dependencies shows actual spinner. (#3367)

  • Feature: Svelte <script> tags are transformed. (#3367)

  • Initial release. (#3367)

  • Feature (migrate/skeleton-3): Tailwind V4 support. (#3367)

  • bugfix: Add @source when component library is present (#3367)

  • Feature: tailwind.config transformation also include skeleton configuration. (#3367)

  • Feature: <packagemanager> install is now ran at the end of the migration. (#3367)

  • Bugfix (migrate/skeleton-3): Renaming components no longer includes a bug that could cause invalid components to be produced in bigger components (#3367)

  • Bugfix (migrate/skeleton-3): Correctly handle conflicting renames/imports. (#3367)

  • bugfix: Append dist to the Skeleton @source path as workaround for tailwindlabs/tailwindcss#16038 (#3367)

  • Feature: Rename all components imports and usages. (#3367)

  • Feature (migrate/skeleton-3): All removed and renamed exports are now migrated. (#3367)

  • Bugfix (migrate/skeleton-3): Selecting a single folder would cause 0 files to be globbed. (#3367)

  • Chore (migrate/skeleton-3): Simpler method of preserving quotes in Svelte template. (#3367)

  • Bugfix (migrate/skeleton-3): Special characters like \n, \t, etc. are no longer literally interpreted. (#3367)

  • Bugfix (migrate/skeleton-3): Empty strings no longer crash the transformSvelte function (#3367)

  • Bugfix (migrate/skeleton-3): Partially reverts the previous change to hasRange and checks for empty strings instead as it's more consistent in the cases where we're preserving quotes. (#3367)

  • Bugfix: Add bin back to package.json (#3367)

  • Feature (migrate/skeleton-3): Skeleton classes @apply rules in stylesheets (.{css,pcss,postcss}, <style></style>) are now transformed. (#3367)

  • bugfix: Theme import is correctly migrated (#3367)

  • Feature: TS/JS modules are transformed. (#3367)

  • Bugfix (migrate/skeleton-3): Switch from property in object to Object.hasOwn so inherited properties aren't included. (#3367)

  • Feature: Source file directories are now prompted instead of being assumed. (#3367)

  • Bugfix (migrate/skeleton-3): Additionally check if range actually has characters (start < end). (#3367)

  • Bugfix: Fixed longstanding bug of svelte files not being transformed properly. (#3367)

  • Feature (migrate/skeleton-3): TabGroup is now renamed to Tabs (#3367)

  • Feature: Name, description and version are now pulled from the package.json. (#3367)

  • Feature (migrate/skeleton-3): All file transformations are batched to write to disk at the end of the migration, this will prevent any files being written to disk if any of the file transformations fail. (#3367)

  • Bugfix (migrate/skeleton-3): Remove fixUnusedIdentifiers calls to reduce migration noise. (#3367)

  • Bugfix: Unused identifiers like imports are removed after tranformation. (#3367)

  • Feature: Removed components have their imports removed. (#3367)

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