github sitespeedio/ v14.1.0

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3 years ago


  • Updated to Chromedriver and Edgedriver 84. Chrome 84/Firefox 78 in the Docker container #3089.
  • Be less strict about GCS options in respect of ADC. Within Google Cloud, services can make use of Credentials-"Auto Discovery" (ADC). The @google-cloud/storage library supports this and tries an automatic discovery when keyFilename is unset. In an auto-discover scenario projectId is discovered as well so this should also be allowed to not be set. The --gcs.bucketname option could be kept as a (mandatory) signal to use GCS at all. Thank you Stephan Scheying for the PR #3087!
  • Send the performance budget result in the queue. Look for messages of the type budget.result. This will make it easier for plugins (like Slack and Matrix) to post messages about the budget result. #3085.


  • Updated minor versions for dependencies google-cloud/storage, aws-sdk, dayjs, uuid and yargs #3090.
  • Fix low severity issues in dependencies #3091.


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