github sinamics/ztnet v0.2.4

latest releases: v0.7.3, v0.7.2, v0.7.1...
19 months ago

📝 Repository Renaming Notice

The repo name has recently been changed from next_ztnet to ztnet. If you have previously installed next_ztnet, please follow these steps to update your image.

First, bring down the running Docker containers:

docker-compose down

Next, update your docker-compose.yml file:

  image: sinamics/ztnet:latest

Finally, pull the updated image and bring up the Docker containers:

docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d


  • NEW: Changed repo name to ZTNET
  • Feature: Abillity to add notation / tag to members to ease the filtration if a network has many members.
  • Feature: New option in settings to add notation color as table row background.
  • Feature: New option in settings to add notation icon in table row.
  • Improvement: validation that a member id has 10-digit hex when adding manually.
  • Improvement: make sure input fields is in controller state.
  • Improvement: deleting member that is not joined

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