github simpleinjector/SimpleInjector v5.3.0
Simple Injector v5.3

latest releases: v5.4.5, v5.4.4, v5.4.3...
3 years ago

This release is available through Nuget.

When upgrading from v4.x, please make sure you upgrade your application to the latest v4.x version of Simple Injector first. After that upgrade directly to the latest v5.3.x release.

This minor release contains the following improvements and new features:

  • #897 Added a new convenient Container.GetTypesToRegister<T>(IEnumerable<Assembly>, TypesToRegisterOptions) overload.
  • #891 Container.GetRegistration<T>() failed with cast exception. This generic overload was added in v5.0, but almost never worked.
  • #863 Loosened up locking behavior of GetRegistration. A call to GetRegistration is now much less likely to cause the container to be locked. Thanks to @AroglDarthu for suggesting this.
  • #880 Allowed an existing Scope to be provided to a ScopedLifestyle to allow it to become the current active ambient scope. This feature was especially added for corner-case scenarios, such as Blazor integration.
  • #812 Improved exception messages caused by type initialization. TypeInitializationExcpetions, thrown by the .NET Framework are annoying and not very useful. When such exception is thrown while Simple Injector is resolving a type, Simple Injector will now transform the failure in a much more readable error message.
  • #864 Improved the message of the Disposable-Transient-Component diagnostic warning. Thanks to @AroglDarthu for suggesting this.

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