github simpleinjector/SimpleInjector 5.2.0
Simple Injector v5.2

latest releases: v5.5.0, v5.4.6, v5.4.5...
3 years ago

This release is available through Nuget.

WARNING: There was a multi-threading bug introduced in this release that could impact most users. Please skip this release and upgrade to (at least) v5.2.1.

When upgrading from v4.x, please make sure you upgrade your application to the latest v4.x version of Simple Injector first. After that upgrade directly to the latest v5.3.x release.

This minor release implements the following work items:

  • #873 Verification fails with IAsyncDisposable registrations
  • #867 Prevent Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces dependency

The most important change in this minor release is #867, which solves the binding redirect issues that users have reported since the introduction of v5. This is done by removing the Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces NuGet package dependency (#867). Unfortunately, this forces the following breaking changes in the core library:

  • [BREAKING] The Scope.RegisterForDisposal(IAsyncDisposable) method is removed and replaced with a Scope.RegisterForDisposal(object) overload.
  • [BREAKING] In the .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET 4.6.1 builds of Simple Injector, Container and Scope no longer implement IAsyncDisposable effectively removing Container.DisposeAsyc() and Scope.DisposeAsync() from those builds.

These breaking changes were required because the removal of the Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces dependency disallows Simple Injector types to implement IAsyncDisposable. Fortunately, unless you were calling DisposeAsync yourself, an upgrade to Simple Injector v5.2 is likely a graceful one. For a more detailed discussion on what the problem was, please read our blog post.

The problem was urgent enough to force these breaking changes on a minor release, instead of making this into a major release, which takes much more planning and time.

NOTE: Do note that if you are using ASP.NET Core, you must upgrade the ASP.NET Core integration packages as well. The old packages will break with v5.2.

This doesn't mean, though, that asynchronous disposal isn't possible anymore. On the contrary actually. Where previous minor releases only allowed asynchronous disposal in the .NET 4.6.1, .NET Standard 2.0, and .NET Standard 2.1 builds of Simple Injector, asynchronous disposal is now supported in all builds. To make this possible, the following additions have been made:

  • The pre-.NET Standard 2.1 builds of Simple Injector apply duck typing internally to recognize types that implement IAsyncDisposable. This means that Simple Injector checks if your type implements an interface named "System.IAsyncDisposable". Upon disposal, Simple Injector expects that interface to contain an DisposeAsync method. That method should either return Task, or ValueTask. This means that you can either let your application depend on Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces or define the interface yourself. As always, we ensured maximum performance; even this duck typing is blazingly fast.
  • The .NET Standard 2.1 build of Simple Injector skips duck typing and simply expects a asynchronous disposable type to implement the official IAsyncDisposable. .NET Standard 2.1 (which means you're either running .NET Core 3 or .NET 5) is provided out of the box.
  • A new Task Container.DisposeContainerAsync() method is added to allow disposing of the Container in an asynchronous fashion.
  • A new Task Scope.DisposeScopeAsync() method is add to allow disposing of the Scope in an asynchronous fashion.
  • A new object[] Scope.GetAllDisposables() method is added to allow retrieving all disposables instances that were created by a Scope. The list will return both IDisposable and IAsyncDisposable implementations.

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