github simonw/sqlite-utils 3.33

latest releases: 3.38, 3.38a0, 3.37...
20 months ago
  • sqlite-utils will now use in place of sqlite3 if it is installed in the same virtual environment. This is useful for Python environments with either an outdated version of SQLite or with restrictions on SQLite such as disabled extension loading or restrictions resulting in the sqlite3.OperationalError: table sqlite_master may not be modified error. (#559)
  • New with db.ensure_autocommit_off() context manager, which ensures that the database is in autocommit mode for the duration of a block of code. This is used by db.enable_wal() and db.disable_wal() to ensure they work correctly with pysqlite3 and
  • New db.iterdump() method, providing an iterator over SQL strings representing a dump of the database. This uses sqlite-dump if it is available, otherwise falling back on the conn.iterdump() method from sqlite3. Both pysqlite3 and omit support for iterdump() - this method helps paper over that difference.

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