github simonmichael/hledger 1.20.2

latest releases: 1.34, hledger-web-1.34, hledger-ui-1.34...
3 years ago

User manual fixes.

This release may be available in your packaging system, check

Or, you can try the binaries built by our github CI setup.
These will work if your machine is similar to github's.

  • Download and unzip the appropriate "" file
    below. This will unpack 2 or 3 hledger binaries into the current

  • On unix machines, you will need to chmod +x these files to make
    them executable before you can run them.

  • Mac binaries are built on macos 10.15 catalina. You will need to
    mark them as trusted before you can run them: run open . to view
    the current folder in Finder; control-click hledger; option-click
    "Open"; allow running it.

  • Ubuntu binaries are dynamically linked x86_64 binaries built on
    ubuntu 20.04. If they give an error when run, you may need to
    install some required C libraries.

  • Windows binaries are built on Windows Server 2019. There is no
    hledger-ui binary for Windows.

Additional binaries provided by hledger contributors ("z-contrib-*")
may appear below, for your convenience. These are not built
automatically from our repo, and you should assume they are unsafe
(run at your own risk!).

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