github simonhaenisch/md-to-pdf v3.0.0-pre.0

latest releases: v5.2.4, v5.2.3, v5.2.2...
pre-release4 years ago

3.0.0-pre.0 (2020-01-26)


  • the CLI can't be invoked without specifying any input files anymore. To convert all files in a directory, use a shell glob instead (e. g. md-to-pdf *.md). It's now possible to read markdown from stdin.

The whole source code has been converted to Typescript. The minimum required node version has been increased to v10.0.0 (current LTS). It should still work with v8.3.0+ but the tests won't be able to run.

The license has been changed to MIT.


  • allow input from std in or shell globbing for multiple files (8051c42)
  • auto-enable displayHeaderFooter if template is set (b3ac8d9), closes #59
  • expose --port cli flag (1f22656)
  • merge v3 (#39) (20ca196)
  • set process and xterm title (04b985e)

Bug Fixes

  • cli: merge pdf_options of config file properly (d85558d)
  • cli: package.json path for version info (a7a5817)
  • relative paths (bb46626)
  • ul/ol margin (80d36d5), closes #36

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