github simolus3/drift drift-2.20.1
Drift 2.20.1

latest releases: drift-2.24.0, drift_dev-2.24.0, sqlparser-0.41.0...
6 months ago

This patch release fixes the following issues:

Core drift package

  • Migrate legacy package:drift/web.dart to the new JS interop SDK libraries. For backwards compatibility, the channel() extension on the MessagePort class in dart:html has been kept.
    Once dart:html is removed from the Dart SDK, that extension will have to be removed from drift as well.
  • Fix cast errors in the protocol for remote workers when compiling with dart2wasm.
  • Introduce a faster protocol for communicating with workers. This protocol is enabled automatically after upgrading drift_worker.js.


  • Strip leading numbers when generating modular accessor names for drift files, fixing syntax errors.
  • Support triggers targeting views.
  • Include dialect-specific constraints in exported schema files.
  • Fix schema export not respecting column constraints of the target dialect.
  • Resolve json_extract return types from context if possible.

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