github simolus3/drift 2.0.0
Version 2.0.0

latest releases: drift-2.24.0, drift_dev-2.24.0, sqlparser-0.41.0...
5 years ago


This is the first major update after the initial release and moor and we have a lot to cover:
.moor files can now have their own imports and queries, you can embed Dart in sql queries
using the new templates feature and we have a prototype of a pure-Dart SQL IDE ready.
Finally, we also removed a variety of deprecated features. See the breaking changes
section to learn what components are affected and what alternatives are available.

New features

Updates to the sql parser

.moor files were introduced in moor 1.7 as an experimental way to declare tables by using
CREATE TABLE statements. In this version, they become stable and support their own import
and query system. This allows you to write queries in their own file:


findByName: SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE :query;

When this file is included from a @UseMoor annotation, moor will generate methods to run the
query. Of course, you can also write Dart queries for tables declared in sql:

Stream<User> loadUserById(int id) {
 return (select(users)..where((u) =>;

Moor files can also import other moor files by using an import 'other.moor'; statement at the
top. Then, all tables defined in other.moor will also be available to the current file.

Moor takes Dart and SQL interop even further with the new "Dart in SQL templates". You can define
a query like this:

findDynamic: SELECT * FROM users WHERE $condition;

And moor will generate a method findDynamic(Expression<bool, BoolType> condition) for you. This
allows you to bind the template with a predicate as complex as you'd like. At the moment, Dart
templates are supported for expressions, OrderBy, OrderingTerm and Limit.

INSERT statements can now be used as a compiled statement - both in moor files and
in a @UseMoor or @UseDao annotation. A new builtin linter will even warn you when you forget
to provide a value for a non-nullable column - right at compile time!

And finally, we now generate better query code when queries only return a single column. Instead of
generating a whole new class for that, we simply return the value directly.

Experimental ffi support

We released an experimental version of moor built on top of dart:ffi. It works
cross-platform and is much, much faster than moor_flutter. It you want to try
it out, read the docs here.

Minor changes

  • a Constant<String> can now be written to SQL, it used to throw before. This is useful
    if you need default values for strings columns. This also works for BLOBS
  • new LazyDatabase for when you want to construct a database asynchronously (for instance, if
    you first need to find a file before you can open a database).

Breaking changes

  • THIS LIKELY AFFECTS YOUR APP: Removed the transaction parameter for callbacks
    in transactions and beforeOpen callbacks. So, instead of writing

    transaction((t) async {
      await t.update(table)...;

    simply write

    transaction(() async {
      await update(table)...;

    Similarly, instead of using onOpen: (db, details) async {...}, use
    onOpen: (details) async {...}. You don't have to worry about calling methods on
    your database instead of a transaction objects. They will be delegated automatically.

    On a similar note, we also removed the operateOn parameter from compiled queries.

  • Compiled queries that return only a single column (e.g. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users)
    will just return their value (in this case, an int) now. Moor no longer generates a
    new class in that case.

  • Removed MigrationStrategy.onFinished. Use beforeOpen instead.

  • Compiled sql queries starting with an underscore will now generate private match queries.
    Previously, the query _allUsers would generate a watchAllUsers method, that has been
    adopted to _watchAllUsers. The generate_private_watch_methods builder option, which
    backported this fix to older versions, has thus been removed.

  • Removed InsertStatement.insertOrReplace. Use insert(data, orReplace: true) instead.

  • Removed the diff util and MoorAnimatedList. Use a third party library for that.

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