github sigp/lighthouse v0.2.12
Running Bird

latest releases: v5.1.3, v5.1.2, v5.1.1...
pre-release3 years ago

This release contains new features and a fix to an error introduced in the previous release (v0.2.11).

  • Adds support for the --testnet spadina flag.
  • Reverts a change that caused "Illegal instruction" on ARM processors.
  • Adds a --staking flag to the beacon node which enables the API and Eth1 syncing.
  • Allow for interactive password entry on all account manager flows.




Binaries are supplied for two platforms:

  • x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu: AMD/Intel 64-bit processors (most desktops, laptops, servers)
  • aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu: 64bit ARM processors (Raspberry Pi 4)

Additionally there is also a -portable suffix which indicates if the portable feature is used:

  • Without portable: uses modern CPU instructions to provide the fastest signature verification times (may cause Illegal instruction error on older CPUs)
  • With portable: approx. 20% slower, but should work on all modern 64-bit processors.

Note: we do not yet provide binaries for MacOS or Windows native.

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