github signalfx/splunk-otel-collector v0.83.0

latest releases: v0.103.0, puppet-v0.17.0, v0.102.1...
10 months ago

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • (Splunk) Fluentd installation disabled by default for the splunk-otel-collector salt formula (#3448)
    • Specify the install_fluentd: True attribute in your pillar to enable installation
  • (Splunk/Contrib) Removes the deprecated receiver/prometheus_exec receiver. Please see migration guide for further details. (#24740) (#3512)
  • (Contrib) receiver/k8scluster: Unify predefined and custom node metrics. (#24776)
    • Update metrics description and units to be consistent
    • Remove predefined metrics definitions from metadata.yaml because they are controlled by node_conditions_to_report
      and allocatable_types_to_report config options.

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • (Splunk) Use SPLUNK_LISTEN_INTERFACE and associated installer option to configure the network interface used by the collector for default configurations (#3421)
    • Existing installations will rely on the default value of SPLUNK_LISTEN_INTERFACE set to Users must add SPLUNK_LISTEN_INTERFACE to their collector configuration to take advantage of this new option.
  • (Contrib) receiver/collectdreceiver: Migrate from opencensus to pdata, change collectd, test to match pdata format. (#20760)
  • (Contrib) pkg/ottl: Add support for using addition and subtraction with time and duration (#22009)
  • (Contrib) transformprocessor: Add extract_count_metric OTTL function to transform processor (#22853)
  • (Contrib) transformprocessor: Add extract_sum_metric OTTL function to transform processor (#22853)
  • (Contrib) prometheusreceiver: Don't drop histograms without buckets (#22070)
  • (Contrib) pkg/ottl: Add a new Function Getter to the OTTL package, to allow passing Converters as literal parameters. (#22961)
    Currently OTTL provides no way to use any defined Converter within another Editor/Converter.
    Although Converters can be passed as a parameter, they are always executed and the result is what is actually passed as the parameter.
    This allows OTTL to pass Converters themselves as a parameter so they can be executed within the function.
  • (Contrib) resourcedetectionprocessor: GCP resource detection processor can automatically add gcp.gce.instance.hostname and attributes. (#24598)
  • splunkhecexporter: Add heartbeat check while startup and new config param, heartbeat/startup (defaults to false). This is different than the healtcheck_startup, as the latter doesn't take token or index into account. (#24411)
  • (Contrib) hostmetricsreceiver: Report logical and physical number of CPUs as metric. (#22099)
    • Use the system.cpu.logical.count::enabled and system.cpu.physical.count::enabled flags to enable them
  • (Contrib) k8sclusterreceiver: Allows disabling metrics and resource attributes (#24568)
  • (Contrib) k8sclusterreceiver: Reduce memory utilization (#24769)
  • (Contrib) k8sattributes: Added k8s.cluster.uid to k8sattributes processor to add cluster uid (#21974)
  • (Contrib) resourcedetectionprocessor: Collect heroku metadata available instead of exiting early. Log at debug level if metadata is missing to help troubleshooting. (#25059)
  • (Contrib) hostmetricsreceiver: Improved description of the system.cpu.utilization metrics. (#25115)
  • (Contrib) cmd/mdatagen: Avoid reusing the same ResourceBuilder instance for multiple ResourceMetrics (#24762)
  • (Contrib) resourcedetectionprocessor: Add detection of os.description to system detector (#24541)
  • (Contrib) filelogreceiver: Bump 'filelog.allowHeaderMetadataParsing' feature gate to beta (#18198)
  • (Contrib) receiver/prometheusreceiver: Add config report-extra-scrape-metrics to report additional prometheus scraping metrics (#21040)
    • Emits additional metrics - scrape_body_size_bytes, scrape_sample_limit, scrape_timeout_seconds. scrape_body_size_bytes metric can be used for checking failed scrapes due to body-size-limit.
  • (Contrib) receiver/sqlquery: Set ObservedTimestamp on collected logs (#23776)
  • (Core) extension: Add optional ConfigWatcher interface (#6596)
    • Extensions implementing this interface will be notified of the Collector's effective config.
  • (Core) otelcol: Add optional ConfmapProvider interface for Config Providers (#6596)
    • This allows providing the Collector's configuration as a marshaled confmap.Conf object from a ConfigProvider
  • (Core) service: Add CollectorConf field to service.Settings (#6596)
    This field is intended to be used by the Collector to pass its effective configuration to the service.

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • (Contrib) carbonreceiver: Fix Carbon receiver obsrecv operations memory leak (#24275)
    • The carbonreceiver has a memory leak where it will repeatedly open new obsrecv operations but not close them afterwards. Those operations eventually create a burden. The fix is to make sure the receiver only creates an operation per interaction over TCP.
  • (Contrib) pkg/stanza: Create a new decoder for each TCP/UDP connection to prevent concurrent write to buffer. (#24980)
  • (Contrib) exporter/kafkaexporter: Fixes a panic when SASL configuration is not present (#24797)
  • (Contrib) receiver/k8sobjects: Fix bug where duplicate data would be ingested for watch mode if the client connection got reset. (#24806)
  • (Contrib) zipkinreceiver: Respects zipkin's serialised status tags to be converted to span status (#14965)
  • (Contrib) processor/resourcedetection: Do not drop all system attributes if cannot be fetched. (#24669)
  • (Contrib) signalfxexporter: convert vmpage_io* translated metrics to pages (#25064)
  • (Contrib) splunkhecreceiver: aligns success resp body w/ splunk enterprise (#19219)
    • changes resp from plaintext "ok" to json {"text":"success", "code":0}

Docker Images:

  • (digest: sha256:c569d8684393b338880f44225f3750f49f95627ded5d0964ff53d9f9168ee094)
  • (digest: sha256:bdb9522d73105ffe5fcb6a6c62028d6784f66835da1ba7ca0f002549e77b875f)
  • (digest: sha256:f3ab74314c5a01f49046796574f0e2721828889b4d82ef13c6c13ff208488f6d)
  • (digest: sha256:776b02dd725786b56df186eb9a28cbb66ab7dbb3e581d50f90570432b16cf40f)
  • (digest: sha256:16b0a1affbbff2f0f408bac1ddc2d5290bd0916541126c08f37747160a16136e)

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