github signalfx/splunk-otel-collector-chart splunk-otel-collector-0.120.1

2 days ago

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • clusterReceiver: For the option, clusterReceiver.eventsEnabled, the logs pipeline for k8s_events now adds attributes of the type k8s.<objectkind>.name and k8s.<objectkind>.uid. (#1691)
    For example, if the log k8s event is about object type StatefulSet, the exported log to Splunk will have these 2 additional attributes: value(
      k8s.statefulset.uid: value(k8s.object.uid)
    The existing attributes k8s.object.kind, and k8s.object.uid are still present.
    In addition to these, if the event is for kind Pod, and the k8s.object.fieldPath has a specific container spec, the log will have an additional attribute with the value of the container name.

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • agent: Do not setup the entities pipeline if Splunk Observability isn't enabled. (#1699)
  • agent: a fix for a scenario where some logs might be missed due to the pod log file being rolled over during high load, set featureGates.fixMissedLogsDuringLogRotation to true to enable the fix (#1690)
  • all: Restore values of resource attribute for internal metrics changed in 0.120.0 (#1692)
    The value of resource attribute was changed to otelcol due to a library upgrade
    in the Prometheus receiver. This change restores the values that were set before the based on the
    collector mode: otel-agent, otel-collector or otel-k8s-cluster-receiver.

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