github sigma67/ytmusicapi 0.22.0

latest releases: 1.7.3, 1.7.2, 1.7.1...
2 years ago

It is recommended to upgrade as soon as possible for users that are not using authenticated headers. This release fixes randomly failing requests due to the Consent page popping up sometimes.

Features ✨

  • get_song_related: Get related content for a song, as seen in the Related tab in the watch panel.

Changes ⚒

  • get_watch_playlist: Provide related browseId for get_song_related
  • search: added videoType key to indicate whether the song is an official music video (OMV) or other song (UGC) (#264, @lsmacedo )
  • get_watch_playlist: added videoType key as above (#265, @lsmacedo )

Fixes 🐞

  • Unauthenticated users only: Fixed randomly failing requests due to YouTube serving a Consent page instead of the actual content.
  • get_artist: fixed an error for some channels (#267, thanks @JBBgameich)

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