github siderolabs/talos v1.2.0-alpha.2

latest releases: v1.7.5, pkg/machinery/v1.7.5, v1.7.4...
pre-release23 months ago

Talos 1.2.0-alpha.2 (2022-08-10)

Welcome to the v1.2.0-alpha.2 release of Talos!
This is a pre-release of Talos

Please try out the release binaries and report any issues at

Talos API access from Kubernetes

Talos now supports access to its API from within Kubernetes. It can be configured in the machine config as below:

      enabled: true
        - os:reader
        - kube-system

This feature introduces a new custom resource definition,
Creating custom resources of this type will provide credentials to access Talos API from within Kubernetes.

The new CLI subcommand talosctl inject serviceaccount can be used to configure Kubernetes manifests with Talos service accounts as below:

talosctl inject serviceaccount -f manifests.yaml > manifests-injected.yaml
kubectl apply -f manifests-injected.yaml

See documentation for more details.

Generating Talos secrets from PKI directory

It is now possible to generate a secrets bundle from a Kubernetes PKI directory (e.g. /etc/kubernetes/pki).

You can also specify a bootstrap token to be used in the secrets bundle.

This secrets bundle can then be used to generate a machine config.

This facilitates migrating clusters (e.g. created using kubeadm) to Talos.

talosctl gen secrets --kubernetes-bootstrap-token znzio1.1ifu15frz7jd59pv --from-kubernetes-pki /etc/kubernetes/pki
talosctl gen config --with-secrets secrets.yaml my-cluster

Kubernetes ControlPlane Components

Talos now run all Kubernetes Control Plane Components with the CRI default Seccomp Profile and other recommendations as described in

Kubelet Default Runtime Seccomp Profile

Talos now runs Kubelet with the CRI default Seccomp Profile enabled.
This can be disabled by setting .machine.kubelet.defaultRuntimeSeccompProfileEnabled to false.

This is not enabled automatically on upgrades, so upgrading to Talos v1.2 needs this to be explicitly enabled.

Kubernetes Control Plane labels and taints

Talos now defaults to label/taint.
On upgrades Talos now removes the label/taint on control-plane nodes and replaces it with the label/taint.
Workloads that tolerate the old taints or having node selectors with the old labels will need to be updated.

Kubernetes Discovery Backend

Kubernetes cluster discovery backend is now disabled by default for new clusters.
This backend doesn't provide any benefits over the Discovery Service based backend, while it
causes issues for KubeSpan enabled clusters when control plane endpoint is KubeSpan-routed.

For air-gapped installations when the Discovery Service is not enabled, Kubernetes Discovery Backend can be enabled by applying
the following machine configuration patch:

        disabled: false

KubeSpan Kubernetes Network Advertisement

KubeSpan no longer by default advertises Kubernetes pod networks of the node over KubeSpan.
This means that CNI should handle encapsulation of pod-to-pod traffic into the node-to-node tunnel,
and node-to-node traffic will be handled by KubeSpan.
This provides better compatibility with popular CNIs like Calico and Cilium.

Old behavior can be restored by setting .machine.kubespan.advertiseKubernetesNetworks = true in the machine config.

MachineConfig .cluster.allowSchedulingOnMasters deprecated

The .cluster.allowSchedulingOnMasters is deprecated and replaced by .cluster.allowSchedulingOnControlPlanes.
The .cluster.allowSchedulingOnMasters will be removed in a future release of Talos.
If both .cluster.allowSchedulingOnMasters and .cluster.allowSchedulingOnControlPlanes are set to true, the .cluster.allowSchedulingOnControlPlanes will be used. mirror configuration

Talos now defaults to adding a registry mirror configuration in the machineconfig for pointing to both and unless overridden.
This is in line with the Kubernetes 1.25 release having the new registry endpoint.

This is only enabled by default on newly generated configurations and not on upgrades.
This can be enabled with a machine configuration as follows:


Network bridge support

Talos now supports configuring Linux bridges. It can be configured in the machine config like the following:

      - interface: br0
            enabled: true
            - eth0
            - eth1

See documentation for more details.

VLAN support in cmdline arguments

Talos now supports dracut-style vlan kernel argument to allow
installing Talos Linux in networks where ports are not tagged
with a default VLAN:

vlan=eth1.5:eth1 ip=

Packet Capture

Talos now supports capturing packets on a network interface with talosctl pcap command:

talosctl pcap --interface eth0

Seccomp Profiles

Talos now supports creating custom seccomp profiles on the host machine which in turn can be used by Kubernetes workloads.
It can be configured in the machine config as below:

    - name: audit.json
        defaultAction: SCMP_ACT_LOG
    - name: deny.json
      value: {"defaultAction":"SCMP_ACT_LOG"}

This profile data can be either configured as a YAML definition or as a JSON string.

The profiles are created on the host under /var/lib/seccomp/profiles and bind mounted at /var/lib/kubelet/seccomp/profiles so Kubelet can use it.

See documentation for more details.

Stable Default Hostname

Talos now generates the default hostname (when there is no explicitly specified hostname) for the nodes based on the
node id (e.g. talos-2gd-76y) instead of using the DHCP assigned IP address (e.g. talos-172-20-0-2).

This ensures that the node hostname is not changed when DHCP assigns a new IP to a node.

Strategic merge machine configuration patching

In addition to JSON (RFC6902) patches Talos now supports strategic merge patching.

For example, machine hostname can be set with the following patch:

    hostname: worker1

Patch format is detected automatically.

Variable substitution for URL query parameter in the talos.config kernel parameter

The kernel parameter talos.config can now substitute system information into placeholders inside its URL query values. This example shows all supported variables:${hostname}&m=${mac}&s=${serial}&u=${uuid}


--masters flag on talosctl cluster create is deprecated. Use --controlplanes instead.

Component Updates

  • Linux: 5.15.59
  • Flannel 0.19.1
  • containerd 1.16.7
  • Kubernetes: v1.25.0-beta.0

Talos is built with Go 1.19.


  • Andrey Smirnov
  • Noel Georgi
  • Utku Ozdemir
  • Dmitriy Matrenichev
  • Philipp Sauter
  • Tim Jones
  • Artem Chernyshev
  • Spencer Smith
  • Davincible
  • Eirik Askheim
  • AMet
  • Alex Wied
  • Bermi Ferrer
  • Christoph Schmatzler
  • Dennis Marttinen
  • Eng Zer Jun
  • Flightkick
  • Florian Klink
  • Gwyn
  • Han Cen
  • Larry Rosenman
  • Markus Reiter
  • Matthew Richardson
  • Nico Berlee
  • Rio Kierkels
  • RyanSquared
  • Serge Logvinov
  • Seán C McCord
  • Steve Francis
  • Tommy Botten Jensen
  • hobyte
  • nett_hier
  • zebernst


165 commits

  • be351dcb9 release(v1.2.0-alpha.2): prepare release
  • 5dd1b4002 feat: disable Kubernetes discovery backend by default
  • b62b18a97 feat: bump k8s to v1.25.0-beta.0
  • 7b80a747b feat: add protobuf encoding/decoding for Go structs
  • 00c3ee3ac docs: remove obsolete references to init nodes
  • 6eefa9d9c fix: properly filter resources in maintenance server
  • fa5aad01a docs: fix issues in GCP docs
  • 98f056603 chore: bump dependencies
  • 84e712a9f feat: introduce Talos API access from Kubernetes
  • d7be30892 chore: bump kernel to 5.15.59
  • c2c2d65bc refactor: use COSI access filter for resource access
  • 1dee0579e feat: add support for proxying one-to-one to apid
  • 86eb01cd6 docs: add missing dev tools
  • 4fd676c04 docs: fix typo in theila name
  • 856beb21c feat: containerd 1.6.7, Flannel 1.19.1
  • e97b9f6d3 feat: support dhcp options for vlan
  • 92314e47b refactor: use controllers/resources to feed trustd with data
  • 80d298abf feat: support skipping node registration
  • 7795de313 fix: use controllers/resources for etcd configuration
  • f9b664c94 fix: reload trusted CA list when client is recreated
  • 8847ccd03 fix: shutdown some streaming API calls when machined API is shuting down
  • f95b53726 fix: allow files in extension spec
  • 1a8f6ec8e fix: don't advertise Kubernetes pod networks over KubeSpan by default
  • e3d4a0e4d fix: make reset work even if the node is not bootstrapped/not joined
  • a6b010a8b chore: update Go to 1.19, Linux to 5.15.58
  • fb058a7c9 test: use T.TempDir to create temporary test directory
  • 6fc38bae6 fix: iterate over etcd members endpoints for member promotion
  • c70b692fb fix: update default address if removed from the host
  • cf620d473 feat: read talosconfig from secrets directory
  • 1ad8e6122 fix: keep entire vlan id when parsing cmdline
  • fe2ee3b10 feat: implement MachineStatus resource
  • 670d274c4 chore: bump dependencies
  • 08d2612e0 docs: bond devices are comma separated
  • c3c3e14db chore: add gotagsrewrite tool and use it to add tags to resources
  • 2e790526f refactor: make apid stop gracefully and be stopped late
  • 0cdf22243 fix: retry Conflict errors when upgrading k8s manifests
  • 1db097f50 release(v1.2.0-alpha.1): prepare release
  • 5ac4947b6 feat: enable default seccomp profile for kubelet
  • e5994ff7a fix: skip ResetDuringBoot test if the Cluster config is unknown
  • 8028e1074 fix: wait for boot done when rebooting a node in the integration tests
  • ae1bec59e feat: allow running only one sequence at a time
  • ec05aee04 fix: correctly unwrap errors when streaming
  • 7c7f2d8c3 feat: refactor disk size matcher to be compatible with DeepEqual
  • 3addea83b feat: introduce support for Talos API access from Kubernetes
  • 34d3a4164 docs: add missing <> to relref
  • c4d2d20c4 fix: enable stable hostnames for worker configs as well
  • 0326bac1f chore: bump kernel to 5.15.57
  • 86820c33f chore: bump dependencies
  • 6e7dfeeb3 fix: data race in packet capture (part 2)
  • c11e1dae7 docs: fix spelling and grammar errors
  • 30f7851d2 chore: bump golangci-lint from 1.45.2 to 1.47.2
  • 2cce9112d chore: bump goimports from 0.1.10 to 0.1.11
  • 18756c7ff fix: folder permissions of overlay mounted folders
  • 47c35dc47 feat: set stable default hostname based on machine-id
  • 1ed3df295 chore: support glibc apps extension spec
  • a2aea9726 fix: write etcd PKI files in a controller
  • bb4abc096 fix: regenerate kubelet certs when hostname changes
  • d650afb6c chore: fix typo in powercycle
  • 644e803ad fix: use masks and different firewall mark for KubeSpan
  • 80444a43d fix: remove data race in pcap capture
  • 04a45dff2 docs: remove katacoda links
  • 065b59276 feat: implement packet capture API
  • 7c006cabc feat: update Kubernetes to 1.24.3
  • 551290195 chore: bump dependencies
  • 1677bcc4b fix: skip bond itself when matching interface (Equinix Metal)
  • f1c2b5c55 feat: implement strategic merge patching for API server admission config
  • be98cb82b feat: follow KEP-2568 non-root enhancements
  • 87ea1d961 fix: update kubelet kubeconfig when cluster control plane endpoint changes
  • a75fe7600 feat: gen secrets from kubernetes pki dir
  • a1d7b535a docs: add kubeadm migration guide
  • 9e0c56581 docs: guide for setting up synology-csi driver
  • f0b8eea5e refactor: remove bootstrap sequence
  • 89c7da899 docs: add documentation for vagrant & libvirt
  • 014b85fdc docs: improve talos kubernetes upgrade note
  • 88bb017ed docs: remove old docs from site
  • c92c90655 feat: build talosctl for FreeBSD
  • 616da3069 docs: update last release for 1.1
  • 091e6ef0e feat: resubstitute talos.config url variables on retry
  • ec74ab38a feat: update Go to 1.18.4, Linux to 5.15.54
  • 641f6a1e4 feat: expose strategic merge config patches
  • 6e3d2d647 docs: fix disk encryption params
  • c43d6a31d docs: fix typos
  • 551887528 chore: bump dependencies
  • 626ef05e6 fix: correct SANs for etcd certs
  • 83ce92c5f docs: fix theila docs
  • 8a038d40e fix: stabilize etcd join and promote sequences
  • 136122556 fix: use correct etcd cert path
  • c170ec0b0 chore: bump kernel to 5.15.53
  • d924901b7 feat: add cli subcommand to generate secrets
  • 34aabedd8 feat: more circular pkg from internal to pkg
  • 4f044e466 feat: implement strategic merge machine config patching
  • c2a512608 fix: avoid double append of talos.platform kernel argument
  • 27dfe7c03 fix: perform accurate conflict resolution on overal (kubespan)
  • e437445b4 chore: bump kernel to 5.15.52
  • d27a6a4ac feat: add vlan support to cmdline
  • fdca5d8a9 chore: bump dependencies
  • ae3840dbc refactor: move kubeconfig package under public api
  • 184e113f3 chore: disable systeminfo controller in container
  • 86a0a7bdf refactor: use pointer types more in machine config structs
  • 3a1eb10e6 docs: update the Proxmox kvm64 note
  • 30e220fcd docs: kernel cmdline params updated on upgrades
  • 915de9cf9 docs: fix bridge documentation
  • 52cd12951 test: bump Talos versions in upgrade tests
  • 022581d80 release(v1.2.0-alpha.0): prepare release
  • 643e81cfe feat: add SenseLabs to
  • bdfee2b3b chore: bump kernel to 5.15.51
  • 36c44a651 fix: provide CA certificates in /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
  • 7ebd9bcce docs: fix pod security talos resource name
  • 57b625e0a refactor: avoid recreating grpc clients in service health checks
  • a68a00f1b docs: recommend setting "host" Processor Type on proxmox
  • 923600a73 chore: bump kernel to 5.15.50
  • 758a9bf59 docs: add theila ui
  • b81016e62 chore: update blockdevice library to v0.3.3
  • 284a2f959 fix: filter static pods correctly and optimize fetching
  • 61abf3111 docs: change command for cluster create to keep $HOME with sudo
  • 6ae1e9bf2 chore: bump dependencies
  • 2deff6b6e feat: add support for variable substitution in talos.config kernel parameter
  • 103c94225 fix: update crypto library with support for RSA-SHA*
  • 448de7194 docs: add UpCloud installation guide
  • 07014e0a8 fix: generate correct bootstrap manifests when only IPv6 CIDR is used
  • 465edbb47 fix: look for qemu-kvm binary
  • 63caa281a fix: create native image format for DigitalOcean
  • f15ce549e fix: siderlink api assume port 443 with https schema
  • 797596229 feat: add support for configuring network bridges
  • 2b23fabcc docs: use SVG image for K8s conformance
  • d4606c33e chore: bump kernel to 5.15.49
  • cfb640222 docs: update docs for release 1.1
  • b816d0b60 docs: fix the vendor information for Kubernetes conformance tests
  • a167a5402 test: fix CLI nodes discovery without provisioner data
  • 916a30682 docs: add twitter meta info
  • 80090a3ed test: fix health endpoint cli test when discovery is disabled
  • 3c263bb44 chore: bump dependencies
  • e8113527f chore: bump kubernetes to v1.24.2
  • 068f1b6d0 feat: add ctest package and base for test suite
  • 2aad3a1e4 chore: bump kernel to 5.15.48
  • a31a858e0 docs: snippets for logging api server audit logs
  • 89aaaef9f chore: bump kernel to 5.15.47
  • 6759fcd4a feat: use discovery service on cluster health checks
  • f54d90787 fix: enable orderly poweroff in hyper-v on Azure
  • 35475ce45 docs: openebs jiva example with iscsi-tools extension
  • 8d2be5e31 feat: extend node definition used in health checks
  • 7a11b4def fix: make talosctl bootstrap accept only single node
  • 217fba288 test: fix csi tests
  • 90bf34fed docs: fork docs for Talos 1.2
  • a0dd010a8 docs: add link to discovery service in kubespan
  • c0371410e fix: support SideroLink "secure" gRPC connection
  • b03709620 feat: build Talos images with system extensions included
  • 43def7490 chore: bump kernel and runc
  • 4dbbf4ac5 chore: add generic methods and use them part #2
  • 7114292b6 docs: fix latest release version in docs
  • da2985fe1 fix: respect local API server port
  • e03266667 fix: correctly validate reboot mode in CLI
  • 70fc42409 chore: add generic methods and use them
  • 3ae8bdd92 chore: run xfs_repair on xfs filesystem returing EUCLEAN
  • 0c91c89f4 chore: revert day-two tests for csi tests
  • f71b58312 feat: disallow anonymous requests by default (kube-apiserver)
  • c19dd1b89 feat: add 'etcd members should be control plane nodes' health check
  • f2997c0f2 chore: bump dependencies
  • f3efec4b5 feat: update containerd 1.6.6, Linux 5.15.45, Flannel 0.18.1
  • 27f8e50ce fix: add ovmf image path for rhel
  • 87e7de30c docs: fix required ports
  • c126f2ee8 chore: bump golang to 1.18.3
  • c1aed6240 fix: wait for /var to be mounted in kubelet service controller
  • d7a64f5d2 fix: improve vip operator shutdown sequence
  • 7b9dfcb85 chore: add 'make go-mod-outdated'

Changes since v1.2.0-alpha.1

36 commits

  • be351dcb9 release(v1.2.0-alpha.2): prepare release
  • 5dd1b4002 feat: disable Kubernetes discovery backend by default
  • b62b18a97 feat: bump k8s to v1.25.0-beta.0
  • 7b80a747b feat: add protobuf encoding/decoding for Go structs
  • 00c3ee3ac docs: remove obsolete references to init nodes
  • 6eefa9d9c fix: properly filter resources in maintenance server
  • fa5aad01a docs: fix issues in GCP docs
  • 98f056603 chore: bump dependencies
  • 84e712a9f feat: introduce Talos API access from Kubernetes
  • d7be30892 chore: bump kernel to 5.15.59
  • c2c2d65bc refactor: use COSI access filter for resource access
  • 1dee0579e feat: add support for proxying one-to-one to apid
  • 86eb01cd6 docs: add missing dev tools
  • 4fd676c04 docs: fix typo in theila name
  • 856beb21c feat: containerd 1.6.7, Flannel 1.19.1
  • e97b9f6d3 feat: support dhcp options for vlan
  • 92314e47b refactor: use controllers/resources to feed trustd with data
  • 80d298abf feat: support skipping node registration
  • 7795de313 fix: use controllers/resources for etcd configuration
  • f9b664c94 fix: reload trusted CA list when client is recreated
  • 8847ccd03 fix: shutdown some streaming API calls when machined API is shuting down
  • f95b53726 fix: allow files in extension spec
  • 1a8f6ec8e fix: don't advertise Kubernetes pod networks over KubeSpan by default
  • e3d4a0e4d fix: make reset work even if the node is not bootstrapped/not joined
  • a6b010a8b chore: update Go to 1.19, Linux to 5.15.58
  • fb058a7c9 test: use T.TempDir to create temporary test directory
  • 6fc38bae6 fix: iterate over etcd members endpoints for member promotion
  • c70b692fb fix: update default address if removed from the host
  • cf620d473 feat: read talosconfig from secrets directory
  • 1ad8e6122 fix: keep entire vlan id when parsing cmdline
  • fe2ee3b10 feat: implement MachineStatus resource
  • 670d274c4 chore: bump dependencies
  • 08d2612e0 docs: bond devices are comma separated
  • c3c3e14db chore: add gotagsrewrite tool and use it to add tags to resources
  • 2e790526f refactor: make apid stop gracefully and be stopped late
  • 0cdf22243 fix: retry Conflict errors when upgrading k8s manifests

Changes from siderolabs/extras

3 commits

Changes from siderolabs/pkgs

28 commits

Changes from siderolabs/tools

7 commits

Changes from talos-systems/crypto

1 commit

Changes from talos-systems/go-blockdevice

2 commits

Changes from talos-systems/grpc-proxy

1 commit

Dependency Changes

  • v1.6.1 -> v1.7.0
  • v1.1.0 -> v1.2.0
  • v1.44.24 -> v1.44.71
  • v1.6.4 -> v1.6.8
  • v1.1.0 -> v1.1.2
  • 95d06feaf8b5 -> cd5f564066ad
  • v20.10.16 -> v20.10.17
  • v0.16.0 -> v1.0.0
  • v1.1.19 new
  • a9775fb167d2 -> 2eca00135732
  • v1.6.1 -> v1.6.2
  • v1.5.0 -> v1.6.0
  • v1.33.2 -> v1.35.2
  • v1.2.0 -> v1.2.1
  • v1.1.1 new
  • v0.24.0 -> v0.25.0
  • v0.7.3 -> v0.8.0
  • 9994674d60a8 -> 37ad0bb93703
  • v1.1.0-1-g5800284 -> v1.2.0-alpha.0-2-gda35a63
  • v1.1.0-8-gfa9a488 -> v1.2.0-alpha.0-27-g7783ee3
  • v1.1.0-1-g134974c -> v1.2.0-alpha.0-6-gcd35510
  • v1.4.0 -> v1.5.0
  • v1.7.1 -> v1.8.0
  • v0.3.5 -> e9df1b8ca74c
  • v0.3.2 -> v0.3.4
  • v0.3.0 -> v0.3.1
  • v0.8.0 -> v0.9.0
  • v1.2.0-beta -> v1.2.1-beta.2
  • v0.56.6 -> v0.56.9
  • v0.28.0 -> v0.29.0
  • 5463443f8c37 -> a33c5aa5df48
  • 0976fa681c29 -> 886fb9371eb4
  • bc2c85ada10a -> 1c4a2a72c664
  • 065cf7ba2467 -> a9ba230a4035
  • 583f2d630306 -> e5dcc9cfc0b9
  • v1.46.2 -> v1.48.0
  • v1.28.0 -> v1.28.1
  • 496545a6307b -> v3.0.1
  • c74959edd3b6 -> 097006376321
  • v0.24.2 -> v0.25.0-beta.0
  • v0.24.2 -> v0.25.0-beta.0
  • v0.24.2 -> v0.25.0-beta.0
  • v0.24.2 -> v0.25.0-beta.0
  • v0.24.2 -> v0.25.0-beta.0
  • v0.24.2 -> v0.25.0-beta.0
  • v0.24.2 -> v0.25.0-beta.0
  • v0.24.2 -> v0.25.0-beta.0
  • v1.2.64 -> v1.2.65

Previous release can be found at v1.1.0


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