github shuttle-hq/shuttle v0.47.0

latest releases: v0.53.0, v0.52.0, v0.51.0...
7 months ago

Shuttle: v0.47.0 update

New shuttle-openai plugin

We now provide a macro for easily setting up an async_openai::Client:

async fn main(
    #[shuttle_openai::OpenAI(api_key = "{secrets.OPENAI_API_KEY}")]
    openai: Client<OpenAIConfig>,
) -> shuttle_axum::ShuttleAxum { ... }

Check out this example for the full code.

New shuttle-api-client library

The cargo-shuttle logic for calling the Shuttle API has been extracted into a separate crate. The API and public interface will evolve as we release more features.

No URL path sanitization

We are no longer sanitizing path traversals in the proxy, making it more transparent & correct, and letting the user code (or web framework) handle it.

Other updates

  • (Hotfixed during 0.46.0) Fixed the team project list endpoint
  • (Released during 0.46.0) Rust 1.79 available in deployers
  • MSRV is now 1.77
  • cargo shuttle deploy --output-archive <path> can now be used to dump the deployment archive to disk instead of deploying it.
  • Added more detailed request debugging in cargo shuttle --debug. Be careful when using the debug flag, the output can contain sensitive information.



Refer to the upgrading docs for how to upgrade your projects.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.46.0...v0.47.0

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