github shlinkio/shlink v3.2.0

latest releases: v4.1.1, v4.1.0, v4.0.3...
23 months ago


  • #1452 Updated to monolog 3

  • #1485 Changed payload published in RabbitMQ for all visits events, in order to conform with the Async API spec.

    Since this is a breaking change, also provided a new RABBITMQ_LEGACY_VISITS_PUBLISHING=true env var that can be provided in order to keep the old payload.

    This env var is considered deprecated and will be removed in Shlink 4, when the legacy format will no longer be supported.


  • #854 Added support for multi-segment custom slugs.

    The feature is disabled by default, but you can optionally opt in. If you do, you will be able to create short URLs with multiple segments in the custom slug, like

  • #1280 Added missing visit-related commands.

    Now you can run tag:visits, domain:visits, visit:orphan or visit:non-orphan to get the corresponding list of visits from the command line.

  • #962 Added new real-time update for new short URLs.

    You can now subscribe to the topic on any of the supported async updates technologies in order to get notified when a short URL is created.

  • #1367 Added support to publish real-time updates in redis pub/sub.

    The publishing will happen in the same redis instance/cluster configured for caching.


  • #1280 Dropped support for PHP 8.0


  • #1471 Fixed error when running visit:locate command with any extra parameter (like --retry).


  • Nothing

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