- #713 Updated dependencies.
- #620 Migrated all reducers to redux toolkit.
- #721 Migrated from axios to fetch.
- #708 Added support for API v3.
- #717 Allowed to select time in 10 minute intervals when configuring "enabled since" and "enabled until" on short URLs.
- #748 Improved visits section to add filters to the query string, allowing to navigate to a specific state or bookmarking filters.
- Nothing
- #590 Fixed position of the datepicker triangle.
- #729 Fixed wrong stats displayed in tags after renaming.
- #737 Fixed incorrect contrast in warning messages when using dark theme.
- #726 Fixed delete server and delete short URL modals getting removed from the DOM before finishing close transition.
- #749 Fixed broken short URLs table when some short URL has a too long custom slug.
- Nothing