github shauninman/MinUI v20241214-0

one day ago

Please see the README.txt in the zip files for installation and update instructions.

Breaking Changes

The gpsp core (default Game Boy Advance emulator in MinUI) was updated a while back (#2352adc) in a way that broke backwards compatibility with save states created by earlier versions. I held out on updating, hoping they would fix it eventually but it's been over a year now, so I've finally decided to update to the current version. Please be sure to make in-game saves for any in-progress Game Boy Advance games before updating so you can continue without losing any progress after updating to the latest version of MinUI.

If you've already updated MinUI, you can downgrade by installing a previous update, make your in-game saves, then update to the latest version again. If you just want to stay on the previous version indefinitely, download, unzip, and copy its contents to your SD card.

I also implemented an additional libretro api in minarch to fix corrupted graphics when resuming save states in fbneo-based third-party paks. This breaks backwards compatiblity with existing save states.


  • all: updated all cores (except gkdpixel's pcsx_rearmed core)

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