Minigalaxy version 1.3.2 is now available. For new users, Minigalaxy is a simple GOG client for Linux. The download and a breakdown of the changes can be found below. This release fixes most of the annoying outstanding bugs and will be a major improvement in usability.
- Completely reworked windows wine installation. This should solve a lot of problems with failing game installs. Innoextract (if installed) is only used to detect and configure the installation language. (thanks to GB609)
- Variables and arguments in game settings can now contain blanks when quoted shell-style (thanks to GB609)
- Minigalaxy will now create working Desktop Shortcuts for wine games (thanks to GB609)
- Fix games with binaries in a directory not launching in some cases
- Minor UI change in the dialog for third-party logins (thanks to GB609)
- Desktop shortcuts created by Minigalaxy will now be updated with environment and launch argument changes from the game's property dialog when OK is clicked (thanks to GB609)
- Clean-up and fixes of the code used for grid and list style library views (thanks to GB609)
- Desktop shortcuts for windows games can now have icons, if gog provides them in the game info api 'images' section (thanks to GB609)
- Fixed a bug in download_manager that prevents correct resume of downloads with 50%+ progress after restart (thanks to GB609)
- Make sure all translations are included in releases
As usual, a deb file for installing this release on Debian and Ubuntu can be found below. Packages most distributions will most likely become available soon. See the website for installation instructions.