github share/sharedb v1.0.0-beta.13

latest releases: v5.0.2, v5.0.1, v5.0.0...
5 years ago

More work by @alecgibson on the under-development fetchSnapshot feature:

  • #237 - [feature] Expose snapshotType (current or byVersion) in readSnapshots middleware, based on whether fetch or fetchSnapshot is being called.
  • #242 - [bugfix] Close milestone database when calling Backend.close.
  • #244 - [refactor] Add a NoOpMilestoneDB implementation, used as default MilestoneDB
    • This introduces a technically backwards-incompatible change for the arguments passed when invoking the callback to MilestoneDB::saveMilestoneSnapshot. The callback was invoked with cb(error, wasSaved), and it's now invoked with cb(error).
    • This shouldn't affect any existing code, as the previous default implementation did not save milestone snapshots, and there are no actual implementations published.

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