github seriousm4x/UpSnap 5.0.0

latest releases: 5.0.1-beta.2, 5.0.1-beta.1
20 hours ago

🚀 UpSnap 5.0.0


Important: Update Your Device Cron Expressions!
All device cron expressions must be updated to follow the new 5-6 digit format, where the first digit (seconds) is optional. If not updated, cron may behave unexpectedly or stop working.

A new form validation will help you verify if your cron expression will work as expected:


⭐ Almost 3,000 GitHub stars! Thank you for your support! If you find Upsnap useful, consider giving it a ⭐️!

This update brings new features, bug fixes and a smaller binary.

✨ What's New?

🎨 UI & Styling

  • Updated to Svelte 5 for better performance
  • DaisyUI 5 and Tailwind 5 for improved styling
  • 3 New Themes for more customization (caramellatte, abyss, silk)

🔍 Features & Improvements

  • Search Input for Devices to quickly find devices on your dashboard

🌍 New Languages

  • Bahasa Indonesia 🇮🇩
  • Polish 🇵🇱

📉 Performance & Optimizations

  • 25% Smaller Binary Size with PocketBase 26.0
  • Switched to inlang/paraglide-js for translations



Bug fixes


Go dependencies

Npm dependencies

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