github semgrep/semgrep v1.42.0
Release v1.42.0

latest releases: v1.74.0, v1.73.0, v1.72.0...
8 months ago

1.42.0 - 2023-09-29


  • Rule-writing: Capture group metavariables used in regexes in a
    metavariable-regex can now introduce their bindings into the
    scope of the pattern, similarly to metavariable-pattern.

    For instance, in the pattern:

    • pattern: |
    • metavariable-regex:
      metavariable: $BAR
      regex: "(?.*)end"
    • focus-metavariable: $X

    the rule will match the contents of what is inside of the
    foo to the regex that binds anything before an "end" to
    the metavariable $X. This metavariable can then be focused
    at a later time, or processed somewhere above this pattern. (pa-3011)

  • Try-catch-else-finally is now supported in taint analysis.

    This change also includes some updates to our analysis. Previously we assumed that
    any statement inside the try clause may throw an exception, but now only
    function calls are assumed to possibly throw exceptions.

    Throw statements always throw an exception as it was before.

    This kind of statement is supported in languages including Python, Ruby, and Julia.

    Python example:

    def f(tainted_input):
        a = 0
        b = 0
        c = tainted_input
        d = tainted_input
      except RuntimeError:
        a = tainted_input
        c = sanitize(c)
        b = tainted_input
        d = sanitize(d)
      # a is not tainted because exception wasn't assumed to be thrown
      # b is tainted through the else clause
      # c is tainted at the beginning, but it was not sanitized
      # because an exception was not thrown
      # d is tainted at the beginning, but it was sanitized
      # because the finally clause is always executed
    ``` (pa-3054)
  • Semgrep can now derive facts about constants from equality tests.

    For example, pattern foobar(&nullptr) will not match here:

    int* ptr = nullptr;
    if (ptr == nullptr) {
    foobar(&ptr); // OK

    But it will match here:

    if (ptr != nullptr) {
    foobar(&ptr); // finding
    ``` (pa-3091)
  • Metavariable-type rule support for C, C++

    Users now can use metavariable-type rules in both C and C++. For instance, the
    provided code snippet:

    #include <fstream>
    using namespace std;
    void test_001() {
        ifstream in;
        // ruleid: match-simple-metavar-type
        in.get(str, 2);
        mystream my;
        // ok: type mismatch
        my.get(str, 2);

    can be matched by the following rule:

      - id: match-simple-metavar-type
          - pattern: $X.get($SRC, ...)
          - metavariable-type:
              metavariable: $X
              type: ifstream
        message: Semgrep found a match
          - cpp
        severity: WARNING
    ``` (pa-3106)
  • C/C++: If conditions such as if (int x = f()) are now correctly translated
    into the Dataflow IL, so Semgrep can report a finding in the example below:

    if (const char *tainted_or_null = source("PATH"))
        // ruleid:
    ``` (pa-3107)


  • The _comment field in the JSON output of semgrep scan has been removed. (_comment)
  • Use config=auto by default for the scan command when other options are not specified (grow-50)
  • Use to get contributions instead of StreamingSemgrepCore so crashes don't affect the actual scan. (os-967)


  • The CLI autocompletion code has been removed. It was not currently working
    and nobody reported it, which probably means nobody was using it. (autocomplete)

  • The --core-opts flag has been removed. (core_opts)

  • fix: metavariable-type now correctly matches non-primitive types in php (gh-8781)

  • fixed the regression in --registry-caching and add better error message
    to tell the user he needs also --experimental. (gh-8828)

  • Support labeled let bindings within Swift case statements

    Correctly parsing labeled let bindings within Swift case statements.
    For instance, the code snippet:

    switch self {
      case .bar(_, _, x: let y):
        return y

    now successfully matches the pattern:

    switch self {case .$X(..., $Y: $Z): ...}
    ``` (pa-3120)
  • Add parsing support for various rare Swift constructs (swift-parsing)

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