github semgrep/semgrep v1.15.0
Release v1.15.0

latest releases: v1.71.0, v1.70.0, v1.69.0...
13 months ago

1.15.0 - 2023-03-15


  • On full sca scans with dep search feature on, send dependency data for dep search (depsearch)

  • metavariable-comparison: Added support for bitwise operators ~, &, | and ^. (gh-7284)

  • Taint: pattern-propagators now have optional fields requires and label,
    which are used identically to their counterparts in pattern-sources and pattern-sinks, for the experimental taint labels feature.

    For instance, we can define:

      - pattern: |
        from: $FROM
        to: $TO
        requires: A
        replace-labels: [A, C]
        label: B

    to denote a propagator which only propagates from $FROM to $TO if $FROM has
    taint label A. In addition, it converts any taints from $TO with labels
    A or C to have label B.

    If label is not specified, the to is tainted with the same label of taint
    that $FROM has. If requires is not specified, it does not require $FROM to
    have a particular label of taint.

    Additionally, replace-labels only restricts the label being propagated if
    the output label is specified. (pa-1633)

  • taint-mode: Java: Support for basic field sensitivity via getters and setters.
    Given obj.setX(tainted), Semgrep will identify that a subsequent obj.getX()
    carries the same taint as tainted. It will also differentiate between
    obj.getX() and obj.getY(). Note that Semgrep does not examine the definitions
    for the getter or setter methods, and it does not know whether e.g. some other
    method obj.clearX() clears the taint that obj.setX(tainted) adds. (pa-2585)

  • Pro Engine: Semgrep CLI will now download a version of Semgrep Pro Engine
    compatible with the current version of Semgrep CLI, as opposed to the most
    recently released version.

    This behavior is only supported for Semgrep 1.12.1 and later. Previous
    versions will still download the most recently released version, as before. (pa-2595)


  • Pro: semgrep ci will run intrafile interprocedural taint analysis by default
    in differential scans (aka PR scans). (Note that interfile analysis is not run
    in differential scans for performance reasons.) (pa-2565)

  • Remove custom entrypoint for returntocorp/semgrep Docker images, now you must
    explicitly call semgrep.

    This won't work now: docker run -v $(pwd):/src returntocorp/semgrep scan ...
    Must do this instead: docker run -v $(pwd):/src returntocorp/semgrep semgrep scan ... (pa-2642)

  • Changed Maven version comparison to more closely reflect usage, so versions with more than 3 increments will not be treated as plain strings (sc-656)


  • The AST dump produced by semgrep-core is now usable from Python
    with the provided ATD interface and the Python code derived from it with
    atdpy. (gh-7296)

  • Terraform: Nested blocks can now be used as sources and sinks for taint.
    For instance, the block x in

    resource $A $B {
    x {
    } (pa-2475)

  • CLI: The scan progress bar now shows progress with higher granularity, and has fewer big jumps when using the Pro Engine.

    The abstract unit of 'tasks' has been removed, and now only a percentage number will be displayed. (pa-2526)

  • Fix an error with rule targeting for extract mode. Previously, if a ruleset had
    two rules, the first being the extract rule, the second being the rule to run,
    no rules would run on the extracted targets. Additionally, with multiple rules
    the wrong rule might be run on the extracted target, causing errors. Now, in
    extract mode all the rules for the destination language will be run. (pa-2591)

  • Metrics: logged in semgrep ci scans now send metrics, as our indicates
    (previously they incorrectly did not, which made it harder for us to track failure events) (pa-2592)

  • Rust: Basic let-statement bindings (such as let x = tainted) now properly
    carry taint. (pa-2605)

  • Improved error reporting for rule parsing by correctly reporting parse errors
    instead of engine errors in certain cases. (pa-2610)

  • Taint: Fixed an issue where an error could be thrown if semgrep-core's output
    contained a dataflow trace without a sink. (pa-2625)

  • Julia: Properly allow string literal metavariables like "$A" to be patterns. (pa-2630)

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