github semgrep/semgrep v0.86.4
Release v0.86.4

latest releases: v1.70.0, v1.69.0, v1.68.0...
2 years ago

0.86.0 - 2022-03-24


  • Semgrep can now output findings in GitLab's SAST report and secret scanning
    report formats with --gitlab-sast and --gitlab-secrets.
  • JSON output now includes a fingerprint of each finding.
    This fingerprint remains consistent when matching code is just moved around
    or reindented.
  • Go: use latest tree-sitter-go with support for Go 1.18 generics (#4823)
  • Terraform: basic support for constant propagation of locals (#1147)
    and variables (#4816)
  • HTML: you can now use metavariable ellipsis inside <script> (#4841)
    (e.g., <script>$...JS</script>)
  • A semgrep ci subcommand that auto-detects settings from your CI environment
    and can upload findings to Semgrep App when logged in.


  • SARIF output will include matching code snippet (#4812)
  • semgrep-core should now be more tolerant to rules using futur extensions by
    skipping those rules instead of just crashing (#4835)
  • Removed tests from published python wheel
  • Findings are now considered identical between baseline and current scans
    based on the same logic as Semgrep CI uses, which means:
    • Two findings are now identical after whitespace changes such as re-indentation
    • Two findings are now identical after a nosemgrep comment is added
    • Findings are now different if the same code triggered them on different lines
  • Docker image now runs as root to allow the docker image to be used in CI/CD pipelines
  • Support XDG Base directory specification (#4818)


  • Entropy analysis: strings made of repeated characters such as
    'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx' are no longer reported has having high entropy (#4833)
  • Symlinks found in directories are skipped from being scanned again.
    This is a fix for a regression introduced in 0.85.0.
  • HTML: multiline raw text tokens now contain the newline characters (#4855)
  • Go: fix unicode parsing bugs (#4725) by switching to latest tree-sitter-go
  • Constant propagation: A conditional expression where both alternatives are
    constant will also be considered constant (#4301)
  • Constant propagation now recognizes operators ++ and -- as side-effectful

0.86.1…0.86.4 - 2022-03-25


  • Network timeouts during rule download are now less likely.
  • Some finding fingerprints were not matching what semgrep-agent would return.
  • The fingerprint of findings ignored with # nosemgrep is supposed to be the same
    as if the ignore comment wasn't there.
    This has previously only worked for single-line findings, including in semgrep-agent.
    Now the fingerprint is consistent as expected for multiline findings as well.
  • --timeout-threshold default set to 3 instead of 0

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