github semaphoreui/semaphore v2.11.1

latest release: v2.11.2
3 days ago


  • Web interface improvements: UI has received its most significant overhaul in years, making it more polished and professional.
  • Git commit messages: Tasks now store the Git commit hash and message, enabling you to rerun tasks using the same commit.
  • Task run details: A new Details page has been added to provide insights into task running results.
  • Terraform/OpenTofu support improvements: There are many Terraform/OpenTofu support improvements in this release.


  • OpenTofu/Terraform: Fixed a bug with Terraform tasks: the -auto-approve flag now works.
  • Security: Prevented JavaScript from using Cookies to avoid the HTTPOnly issue.
  • OpenTofu/Terraform: enabled the -migrate-state flag by default.
  • OpenTofu/Terraform: Added prompts for state actions on the web.
  • Terraform/OpenTofu: Ignored the workspace name for the HTTP backend.

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