github seleniumbase/SeleniumBase v1.66.2
Recorder Mode improvements (and more)

latest releases: v4.28.2, v4.28.1, v4.28.0...
2 years ago

Recorder Mode improvements (and more)

  • Make improvements to Recorder Mode:

🔴 SeleniumBase 1.66.2 adds the ability to save selectors using the ":contains(TEXT)" selector. If a Python file being recorded has multiple tests being run, then all those tests will get saved to the generated * file. The Recorder will now save common self.assert_* calls made during tests. In order to escape iframes when using self.set_content_to_frame(frame), a new method was added: self.set_content_to_default(). The self.set_content_to_*() methods will be automatically used in place of self.switch_to_*() methods in Recorder Mode, unless a test explicitly calls self._rec_overrides_switch = False before the self.switch_to_*() methods are called. Additionally, if an iframe contains the src attribute, that page will get loaded in a new tab when switching to it in Recorder Mode.

Other changes include:

  • Add the "--recorder" option to the output of "sbase options".
  • Transform the "ad-block" feature into a Chromium extension.
  • Refresh Python dependencies:
    -- setuptools>=58.1.0;python_version>="3.6"
    -- urllib3==1.26.7
    -- ipython==7.28.0;python_version>="3.7"
    -- platformdirs==2.4.0;python_version>="3.6"
    -- virtualenv>=20.8.1
    -- rich==10.11.0;python_version>="3.6"

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