github seleniumbase/SeleniumBase v1.63.8
Add options to set custom Firefox args and preferences

latest releases: v4.34.15, v4.34.14, v4.34.13...
3 years ago

Add options to set custom Firefox args and preferences

        Add a Firefox argument for Firefox browser runs.
        Format: A comma-separated list of Firefox args.
        If an arg doesn't start with "--", that will be
        added to the beginning of the arg automatically.
        Set a Firefox preference:value combination.
        Format: A comma-separated list of pref:value items.
        Example usage:
        Boolean and integer values to the right of the ":"
        will be automatically converted into proper format.
        If there's no ":" in the string, then True is used.

Also update Python dependencies:

  • more-itertools==8.8.0;python_version>="3.5"
  • rich==10.2.2;python_version>="3.6"

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