github seleniumbase/SeleniumBase v1.44.1
Add the ability to create bar charts and column charts

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4 years ago

Add the ability to create bar charts and column charts with Chart Maker

SeleniumBase Chart Maker allows you to create HTML charts with Python.

The HighCharts library is used for creating charts.

Here's a sample chart:

(Click on the image for the actual chart)

Here's how to run the example (multiple charts in a presentation):

cd examples/chart_maker

(Press the Right Arrow to advance to the next slide in the chart presentation)

Creating a new chart:

self.create_pie_chart(chart_name=None, title="My Chart", libs=True)
""" Creates a JavaScript pie chart using "HighCharts".
    chart_name - If creating multiple charts,
                 use this to select which one.
    title - The title displayed for the chart.
    libs - The option to include Chart libraries (JS and CSS files).
           Should be set to True (default) for the first time creating
           a chart on a web page. If creating multiple charts on
           a web page, you no longer need to re-import the libraries
           when creating additional charts.
self.create_bar_chart(chart_name=None, title="My Chart", libs=True)
""" Creates a JavaScript bar chart using "HighCharts".
    chart_name - If creating multiple charts,
                 use this to select which one.
    title - The title displayed for the chart.
    libs - The option to include Chart libraries (JS and CSS files).
           Should be set to True (default) for the first time creating
           a chart on a web page. If creating multiple charts on
           a web page, you no longer need to re-import the libraries
           when creating additional charts.
self.create_column_chart(chart_name=None, title="My Chart", libs=True)
""" Creates a JavaScript column chart using "HighCharts".
    chart_name - If creating multiple charts,
                 use this to select which one.
    title - The title displayed for the chart.
    libs - The option to include Chart libraries (JS and CSS files).
           Should be set to True (default) for the first time creating
           a chart on a web page. If creating multiple charts on
           a web page, you no longer need to re-import the libraries
           when creating additional charts.

If creating multiple charts at the same time, you can pass the chart_name parameter to distinguish between different charts.

Adding a data point to a chart:

self.add_data_point(label, value, color=None, chart_name=None):
""" Add a data point to a SeleniumBase-generated chart.
    label - The label name for the data point.
    value - The numeric value of the data point.
    color - The HTML color of the data point.
            Can be an RGB color. Eg: "#55ACDC".
            Can also be a named color. Eg: "Teal".
    chart_name - If creating multiple charts,
                 use this to select which one.

Saving a chart to a file:

self.save_chart(chart_name=None, filename=None):
""" Saves a SeleniumBase-generated chart to a file for later use.
    chart_name - If creating multiple charts at the same time,
                 use this to select the one you wish to use.
    filename - The name of the HTML file that you wish to
               save the chart to. (filename must end in ".html")

The full HTML of the chart is saved to the saved_charts/ folder.

Extracting the HTML of a chart:

""" Extracts the HTML from a SeleniumBase-generated chart.
    chart_name - If creating multiple charts at the same time,
                 use this to select the one you wish to use.

Displaying a chart in the browser window:

self.display_chart(chart_name=None, filename=None):
""" Displays a SeleniumBase-generated chart in the browser window.
    chart_name - If creating multiple charts at the same time,
                 use this to select the one you wish to use.
    filename - The name of the HTML file that you wish to
               save the chart to. (filename must end in ".html")

All methods have the optional chart_name argument, which is only needed if you're creating multiple charts at the same time.

Here's an example of using SeleniumBase Chart Maker:

from seleniumbase import BaseCase

class MyChartMakerClass(BaseCase):

    def test_chart_maker(self):

        self.create_pie_chart(title="Automated Tests")
        self.add_data_point("Passed", 7, color="#95d96f")
        self.add_data_point("Untested", 2, color="#eaeaea")
        self.add_data_point("Failed", 1, color="#f1888f")

        self.create_bar_chart(title="Code", libs=False)
        self.add_data_point("Python", 33, color="Orange")
        self.add_data_point("JavaScript", 27, color="Teal")
        self.add_data_point("HTML + CSS", 21, color="Purple")

        self.create_column_chart(title="Colors", libs=False)
        self.add_data_point("Red", 10, color="Red")
        self.add_data_point("Green", 25, color="Green")
        self.add_data_point("Blue", 15, color="Blue")


This example is from, which you can run from the examples/chart_maker folder with the following command:


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