github seleniumbase/SeleniumBase v1.33.8
Support Chinese characters in PDF testing

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4 years ago

Support Chinese characters in PDF testing

Here's the example test:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from seleniumbase import BaseCase

class ChinesePdfTestClass(BaseCase):

    def test_chinese_pdf(self):

        pdf = (''

        # Get and print PDF text
        pdf_text = self.get_pdf_text(pdf, page=2)
        print("\n" + pdf_text)

        # Assert PDF contains the expected text on Page 2
        self.assert_pdf_text(pdf, "个测试类", page=2)

        # Assert PDF contains the expected text on any of the pages
        self.assert_pdf_text(pdf, "运行单元测试")
        self.assert_pdf_text(pdf, "等待测试结束后显示所有结果")
        self.assert_pdf_text(pdf, "测试的执行跟方法的顺序没有关系")
  • Updated methods:
    def get_pdf_text(self, pdf, page=None, maxpages=None,
                     password=None, codec='utf-8', wrap=False, nav=False,
        """ Gets text from a PDF file.
            PDF can be either a URL or a file path on the local file system.
            pdf - The URL or file path of the PDF file.
            page - The page number (or a list of page numbers) of the PDF.
                    If a page number is provided, looks only at that page.
                        (1 is the first page, 2 is the second page, etc.)
                    If no page number is provided, returns all PDF text.
            maxpages - Instead of providing a page number, you can provide
                       the number of pages to use from the beginning.
            password - If the PDF is password-protected, enter it here.
            codec - The compression format for character encoding.
                    (The default codec used by this method is 'utf-8'.)
            wrap - Replaces ' \n' with ' ' so that individual sentences
                   from a PDF don't get broken up into seperate lines when
                   getting converted into text format.
            nav - If PDF is a URL, navigates to the URL in the browser first.
                  (Not needed because the PDF will be downloaded anyway.)
            override - If the PDF file to be downloaded already exists in the
                       downloaded_files/ folder, that PDF will be used
                       instead of downloading it again. """

    def assert_pdf_text(self, pdf, text, page=None, maxpages=None,
                        password=None, codec='utf-8', wrap=True, nav=False,
        """ Asserts text in a PDF file.
            PDF can be either a URL or a file path on the local file system.
            pdf - The URL or file path of the PDF file.
            text - The expected text to verify in the PDF.
            page - The page number of the PDF to use (optional).
                    If a page number is provided, looks only at that page.
                        (1 is the first page, 2 is the second page, etc.)
                    If no page number is provided, looks at all the pages.
            maxpages - Instead of providing a page number, you can provide
                       the number of pages to use from the beginning.
            password - If the PDF is password-protected, enter it here.
            codec - The compression format for character encoding.
                    (The default codec used by this method is 'utf-8'.)
            wrap - Replaces ' \n' with ' ' so that individual sentences
                   from a PDF don't get broken up into seperate lines when
                   getting converted into text format.
            nav - If PDF is a URL, navigates to the URL in the browser first.
                  (Not needed because the PDF will be downloaded anyway.)
            override - If the PDF file to be downloaded already exists in the
                       downloaded_files/ folder, that PDF will be used
                       instead of downloading it again. """

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