github seek-oss/playroom v0.41.0

one day ago

Minor Changes

  • #396 3ceb0af Thanks @askoufis! - Drop support for React 17

    BREAKING CHANGE: React 17 is no longer supported. Playroom now requires React 18 or later.

Patch Changes

  • #396 3ceb0af Thanks @askoufis! - Loosen @types/react and @types/react-dom dependencies to include ^18.0.0

  • #393 199c1e0 Thanks @askoufis! - Use the URL hash for passing params to each playroom iframe even when paramType: 'search' is configured

    This change prevents a full React re-render from occurring whenever code is changed in a playroom in projects that configure paramType: 'search', resulting in a much smoother prototyping experience.

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