github sebastianbergmann/phpunit 11.1.0
PHPUnit 11.1.0

latest releases: 11.2.6, 10.5.25, 10.5.24...
3 months ago


  • #5689: Distinguish between self, direct and indirect deprecations
  • #5696: #[DisableReturnValueGenerationForTestDoubles] attribute for disabling return value generation for test doubles created using createMock(), createMockForIntersectionOfInterfaces(), createPartialMock(), createStub(), and createStubForIntersectionOfInterfaces()
  • #5175: #[CoversMethod] and #[UsesMethod] attributes for more fine-grained code coverage targeting
  • #5720: Support filtering using --filter, --exclude-filter, --group, and --exclude-group when listing tests using --list-tests and --list-tests-xml as well as listing groups with --list-groups
  • #5733: Implicitly include (abstract) parent class(es) with #[CoversClass] and #[UsesClass] attributes
  • --only-summary-for-coverage-text CLI option to reduce the code coverage report in text format to a summary
  • --show-uncovered-for-coverage-text CLI option to expand the code coverage report in text format to include a list of uncovered files


  • #5689: The XML configuration file generated using --generate-configuration now generates <source ignoreIndirectDeprecations="true" restrictNotices="true" restrictWarnings="true"> instead of <source restrictDeprecations="true" restrictNotices="true" restrictWarnings="true">
  • #5708: Allow the --group, --exclude-group, --covers, --uses, and --test-suffix CLI options to be used multiple times
  • PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase::__construct() is now annotated to be final in preparation for declaring it final in PHPUnit 12
  • Changed how the DeprecationTriggered, ErrorTriggered, NoticeTriggered, PhpDeprecationTriggered, PhpNoticeTriggered, PhpWarningTriggered, and WarningTriggered events are represented as text


  • #5689: The restrictDeprecations attribute on the <source> element of the XML configuration file is now deprecated in favor of the ignoreSelfDeprecations, ignoreDirectDeprecations, and ignoreIndirectDeprecations attributes
  • #5709: Deprecate support for using comma-separated values with the --group, --exclude-group, --covers, --uses, and --test-suffix CLI options

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