github sebanc/brunch r83-k4.19-testing-20200614
Brunch r83 k4.19 testing 20200614

latest releases: r131-stable-20241226, r130-stable-20241122, r129-stable-20241028...
4 years ago
  • Add RT3290/RT3298LE support (use "options=rtbth")
  • Add applespi keyboard support
  • Improve rtw8822 support.
  • Attempt to improve suspend.
  • New kernel command line argument to Improve performance by disabling a ChromeOS security feature and forcing hyperthreading everywhere (even in crositini): Add "enforce_hyperthreading=1" to the kernel command line (this is not an option, just a kernel command line argument add it after "cros_debug" and before "options=...." if any.

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