github sebadob/rauthy v0.26.0

8 hours ago


Deprecated API Routes Removal

The following API routes have been deprecated in the last version and have now been fully removed:

  • /oidc/tokenInfo
  • /oidc/rotateJwk

Cache Config

The whole CACHE section in the config has been changed:

############## CACHE ################

# Can be set to 'k8s' to try to split off the node id from the hostname
# when Hiqlite is running as a StatefulSet inside Kubernetes.
# Will be ignored if `HQL_NODE_ID_FROM=k8s`

# The node id must exist in the nodes and there must always be
# at least a node with ID 1

# All cluster member nodes.
# To make setting the env var easy, the values are separated by `\s`
# while nodes are separated by `\n`
# in the following format:
# id addr_raft addr_api
# id addr_raft addr_api
# id addr_raft addr_api
# 2 nodes must be separated by 2 `\n`
1 localhost:8100 localhost:8200

# If set to `true`, all SQL statements will be logged for debugging
# purposes.
# default: false

# If given, these keys / certificates will be used to establish
# TLS connections between nodes.


# Secrets for Raft internal authentication as well as for the API.
# These must be at least 16 characters long and you should provide
# different ones for both variables.

# You can either parse `ENC_KEYS` and `ENC_KEY_ACTIVE` from the
# environment with setting this value to `env`, or parse them from
# a file on disk with `file:path/to/enc/keys/file`
# default: env


/auth/v1/health Response Change

The response for /auth/v1/health has been changed.

If you did not care about the response body, there is nothing to do for you. The body itself returns different values

struct HealthResponse {
    db_healthy: bool,
    cache_healthy: bool,



ZH-Hans Translations

Translations for ZH-Hans have been added to Rauthy. These exist in all places other than the Admin UI, just like the
existing ones already.


Support for deep-linking client apps like Tauri

Up until v0.25, it was not possible to set the Allowed Origin for a client in a way that Rauthy would allow access
for instance from inside a Tauri app. The reason is that Tauri (and most probably others) do not set an HTTP / HTTPS
scheme in the Origin header, but something like tauri://.

Rauthy has now support for such situations with adjusted validation for the Origin values and a new config variable
to allow specific, additional Origin schemes:

# To bring support for applications using deep-linking, you can set custom URL
# schemes to be accepted when present in the `Origin` header. For instance, a
# Tauri app would set `tauri://` instead of `https://`.
# Provide the value as a space separated list of Strings, like for instance:
# "tauri myapp"


More stable health checks in HA

For HA deployments, the /health checks are more stable now.
The quorum is also checked, which will detect network segmentations. To achieve this and still make it possible to use
the health check in situations like Kubernetes rollouts, a delay has been added, which will simply always return true
after a fresh app start. This initial delay make it possible to use the endpoint inside Kubernetes and will not prevent
from scheduling the other nodes. This solves a chicken-and-egg problem.

You usually do not need to care about it, but this value can of course be configured:

# Defines the time in seconds after which the `/health` endpoint 
# includes HA quorum checks. The initial delay solves problems 
# like Kubernetes StatefulSet starts that include the health 
# endpoint in the scheduling routine. In these cases, the scheduler 
# will not start other Pods if the first does not become healthy.
# This is a chicken-and-egg problem which the delay solves.
# There is usually no need to adjust this value.
# default: 30


Migration to ruma

To send out Matrix notifications, Rauthy was using the matrix-sdk up until now. This crate however comes with a huge
list of dependencies and at the same time pushes too few updates. I had quite a few issues with it in the past because
it was blocking me from updating other dependencies.

To solve this issue, I decided to drop matrix-sdk in favor of ruma, which it is using under the hood anyway. With
ruma, I needed to do a bit more work myself since it's more low level, but at the same time I was able to reduce the
list of total dependencies Rauthy has by ~90 crates.

This made it possible to finally bump other dependencies and to start the internal switch
from redhac to Hiqlite for caching.

If you are using a self-hosted homeserver or anything else than the official servers for Matrix event
notifications, you must set a newly introduced config variable:

# URL of your Matrix server.
# default:


Internal Migration from redhac to hiqlite

The internal cache layer has been migrated from redhac
to Hiqlite.

A few weeks ago, I started rewriting the whole persistence layer from scratch in a separate project. redhac is working
fine, but it has some issues I wanted to get rid of.

  • its network layer is way too complicated which makes it very hard to maintain
  • there is no "sync from other nodes" functionality, which is not a problem on its own, but leads to the following
  • for security reasons, the whole cache is invalidated when a node has a temporary network issue
  • it is very sensitive to even short term network issues and leader changes happen too often for my taste

I started the Hiqlite project some time ago to get rid of these things and have
additional features. It is outsourced to make it generally usable in other contexts as well.

This first step will also make it possible to only have a single container image in the future without the need to
decide between Postgres and SQLite via the tag.


Local Development

The way the container images are built, the builder for the images is built and also the whole justfile have been
changed quite a bit. This will not concern you if you are not working with the code.

The way of wrapping and executing everything inside a container, even during local dev, became tedious to maintain,
especially for different architectures and I wanted to get rid of the burden of maintenance, because it did not provide
that many benefits. Postgres and Mailcrab will of course still run in containers, but the code itself for backend and
frontend will be built and executed locally.

The reason I started doing all of this inside containers beforehand was to not need a few additional tool installed
locally to make everything work, but the high maintenance was not worth it in the end. This change now reduced the
size of the Rauthy builder image from 2x ~4.5GB down to 1x ~1.9GB, which already is a big improvement. Additionally,
you don't even need to download the builder image at all when you are not creating a production build, while beforehand
you always needed the builder image in any case.

To encounter the necessary dev tools installation and first time setup, I instead added a new just recipe called
setup which will do everything necessary, as long as you have the prerequisites available (which you needed before
as well anyway, apart from npm). This has been updated in the


  • The refresh_token grant type on the /token endpoint did not set the original auth_time for the id_token, but
    instead calculated it from now() each time.




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