github scylladb/scylla-operator v1.12.0

latest releases: v1.13.0, v1.13.0-rc.1, v1.13.0-rc.0...
4 months ago

Release notes for 1.12.0

Container images

Changes By Kind (since 1.11.3)



  • Evaluate special 'now' terms in Scylla Manager tasks only on task creation (#841,@zimnx)
  • Explicitly set TLS CQL shard aware port (#1450,@zimnx)
  • Fix namespaced must-gather (#1453,@tnozicka)
  • Set ScyllaCluster placement requirements on cleanup Jobs (#1493,@zimnx)
  • Fix error aggregation in scyllacluster controller job sync (#1569,@rzetelskik)
  • Adjust image references for introspection with containerd (#1619,@tnozicka)
  • Fix StatefulSet rolled out condition (#1624,@zimnx)
  • Rollback StatefulSet selector (#1639,@zimnx)
  • Determine host for Scylla client using ScyllaCluster expose options (#1641,@rzetelskik)
  • Loosen validation for LoadBalancerClass in NodeServiceTemplate (#1649,@zimnx)
  • Support update of StatefulSet selector (#1655,@zimnx)
  • Revert introspection (#1685,@tnozicka)
  • Replace nowSafety buffer with zero-value datetime in manager task scheduling (#1706,@rzetelskik)
  • Fix metadata projection of StatefulSet PVC template (#1712,@zimnx)
  • Collect only ServiceMonitors managed by given ScyllaDBMonitoring (#1717,@zimnx)
  • Fix syntax of ScyllaCluster PreStopHook (#1727,@zimnx)
  • Change minTerminationGracePeriodSeconds to *int32 (#1740,@zimnx)
  • Stop Scylla Manager task before deletion (#1744,@zimnx)
  • Always use default minReadySeconds so identity service works (#1746,@tnozicka)
  • Return empty list of loop devices when losetup doesn't print anything (#1782,@zimnx)
  • Fix alternator validation 1.12 (#1792,@tnozicka)
  • Pass auth token on Scylla Manager cluster update (#1803,@rzetelskik)
  • Explicitly disable CQL over TLS in Scylla Manager cluster integration (#1807,@rzetelskik)
  • Fix update action loop break in manager controller (#1822,@rzetelskik)
  • Decouple Alternator certificates from CQL TLS feature gate (#1842,@tnozicka)


Flaky/Failing Test

  • Reenable E2E test for shard-aware ports (#1459,@zimnx)
  • Avoid controller-gen issue with path parsing (#1547,@tnozicka)
  • Limit scylla manager API calls duration (#1615,@tnozicka)
  • Allow Ingress Controller to notice Ingress objects in connection via Ingress E2E (#1631,@zimnx)
  • Extend ScyllaCluster rollout timeout in E2E (#1636,@zimnx)
  • Wait for e2e Pod even if logs end prematurely (#1699,@tnozicka)
  • Fix kubectl logs retry in gke e2e script (#1700,@tnozicka)


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