github scroll-tech/go-ethereum scroll-v5.5.0

latest releases: eth-68-test, scroll-v5.5.1
5 days ago


This is a mandatory release for Scroll mainnet nodes.

This release updates the embedded Scroll mainnet fork height for the upcoming Curie upgrade.

This release also includes additional robustness and compatibility improvements.


This release updates the embedded hard fork block height for Scroll mainnet. Nodes that are not upgraded will be unable to follow the network after the hard fork block. To follow the Curie upgrade, simply upgrade your node and run it with the --scroll flag.

If you do not use the --scroll flag, then you must upgrade your genesis.json file to "curieBlock": 7096836 and reimport it using geth init genesis.json. In this case, upgrading to this release is optional but recommended.

For Scroll Sepolia nodes, upgrading to this version is optional.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: scroll-v5.4.2...scroll-v5.5.0

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