github scroll-tech/go-ethereum scroll-v5.4.2

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21 days ago


This is a mandatory release for Scroll mainnet and Scroll Sepolia nodes.

This release embeds the Scroll mainnet fork height for the upcoming Curie upgrade.

The Curie hard fork upgrade contains the following changes:

  • Pack more chunks into each batch and compress blob data using zstd.
  • Support EIP-1559 transactions.
  • Support the BASEFEE, MCOPY, TLOAD, TSTORE opcodes.
  • More accurate transaction pricing for both execution (gas) fee and L1 data fee.

Other notable changes:

  • Significant performance and robustness improvements. In particular, the storage requirements of running an l2geth node on Scroll mainnet are reduced by about 50% (only applicable to newly synced nodes).
  • l2geth nodes will no longer automatically configure the --cache.noprefetch flag. For now, we recommend that node operators still run their nodes with this flag.
  • Added support for the eth_getBlockReceipts API.


This release introduces a hard fork upgrade on both Scroll mainnet and Scroll Sepolia. Nodes that are not upgraded will be unable to follow the network after the hard fork block.

To follow the Curie upgrade, simply upgrade your node and run it with the --scroll or --scroll-sepolia flag, depending on which network you want to join.

If you do not use this flag but provide a custom genesis file instead, then you must add "curieBlock": N (replace N with the fork block from the previous section) to the fork list in genesis.json, and reimport it using geth init genesis.json.

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Full Changelog: scroll-v5.3.0...scroll-v5.4.2

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