github scroll-tech/go-ethereum scroll-v5.3.0

latest releases: scroll-v5.5.0, sdk-ccd6f25, scroll-v5.4.8-ccc-0.11.1...
2 months ago


This is a mandatory release for Scroll mainnet nodes.

This release embeds the Scroll mainnet fork height for Bernoulli, scheduled to go live at block 5220340 (within a few hours after Mon Apr 29 02:00 am UTC). The Bernoulli hard fork upgrade contains the following changes:

  • Enable SHA-256 precompile.
  • Use EIP-4844 blobs for Data Availability (not part of l2geth).


This release introduces a hard fork upgrade on Scroll mainnet. Nodes that are not upgraded will be unable to follow the network after the hard fork block.

To follow the Bernoulli upgrade on Scroll mainnet, simply upgrade your node and run it with the --scroll flag. If you do not use this flag but provide a custom genesis file instead, then you must add "bernoulliBlock": 5220340 to the fork list in genesis.json.

Please refer to this document for further notes on compatibility.

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