MetalK8s 129.0.0-beta.1 embeds Kubernetes 1.29.8.
Useful links
What's new
- [
- "Bump cert-manager chart to 0.16.1",
- "Bump dex chart to 0.19.1",
- "Bump fluent-bit chart to 3.1.9",
- "Bump kube-prometheus-stack chart to 65.3.1",
- "Bump prometheus-adapter chart to 4.11.0",
- "Bump nginx image to 1.27.2",
- "Use rocky minimal images in salt-master and metalk8s-utils",
- "Bump ingress-inginx chart to 4.11.3",
- "Bump alpine image to 3.20.3",
- "Bump operator-sdk to 1.37.0",
- "Bump loki chart to 6.20.0"
- ]