github scaleway/terraform-provider-scaleway v2.0.0-rc1

latest releases: v2.40.0, v2.39.0, v2.38.3...
3 years ago


Breaking changes

c89b594 BREAKING CHANGE(instance): use TypeMap for user_data and remove user… (#738)
3fe3e5c BREAKING CHANGE: make organization_id computed (#746)
f2eda02 BREAKING CHANGE: remove deprecated resources (#668)
d47731b BREAKING CHANGE: remove beta from all resources (#669)



a162f0d feat: enable explicit default timeout on all resources (#696)
e01a01f feat: add support for project_id in provider (#601)


21d3fb5 feat(account): add support for project in SSH key (#603)


3253a15 feat(instance): add support for enable_default_security (#651)
5a71eff feat(instance): add support for bootscript (#652)
e1cee81 feat(instance): add support for project_id (#609)
0a8dc32 feat(instance): stop rebooting and stop/starting the instance (#708)
7e44157 feat(instance): remove lockLocalized and use an retryable error (#688)
25d867b feat(instance): add support for placement_group_id in Read function (#666)


fd56e3b feat(baremetal): add support for project in baremetal (#612)


7efc290 feat(object): add tags to buckets (#501)
35bdea3 feat(object): add support for exporting endpoint url (#653)
28647b1 feat(object): enable versionning on bucket resource (#656)
28142bd feat(object): add support for CORS in object_bucket (#654)


2861ad7 feat(rdb): add support for data source rdb instance (#569)
2f4bbab feat(rdb): add support for project in rdb instance (#605)


6ee5a61 feat(lb): add first forward port algorithm (#698)
7722339 feat(lb): add support for project_id in lb (#608)


188a4f5 feat(k8s): add support for project id (#602)
f8df310 feat(k8s): add delete_additional_resources (#600)
da4d55e feat(k8s): add cluster and pool datasource (#724)


f31543e feat(registry): add support for project in namespace (#607)


831de93 feat(vpc): add support for private network, private nic (#649)



574ff99 refactor: provider configuration (#613)
8ade1ae fix: nightly tests (#756)


c7e60b7 fix(instance): delete on termination defaut value (#758)
6d9a5f4 fix(instance): from_volume_id validatioon test fail (#757)
98e7aea fix(instance): fix default for delete_on_termination (#740)
bfd6f04 fix(instance): fix placement group renaming (#673)
fe0bb3e fix(instance): fix datasource name queries (#585)
5f9f227 fix(instance): fix data source image exact name (#544)
f775393 fix(instance): handle unauthorized on placement group and ip (#702)
7f5223a fix(instance): fix user data tests (#690)
5ddb343 fix(instance): ensure that tags are removed when deleted in tf (#672)
0efc359 fix(instance): handle root volume with no size as default (#681)


6bbb1eb fix(baremetal): fix delete in case of a 404 error (#700)
d18abf1 fix(baremetal): fix error checking (#695)


8fc3f67 fix(lb): fix proxy protocol default value (#676)


3d96c98 fix(k8s): fix always present auto-upgrade requets on update (#597)


29f4fab doc: remove the website folder (#737)
afc9ca2 doc: add documentation on dynamic and for_each loop (#750)
b466c79 doc(guides): fix version argument in v1 to v2 migration guide (#736)
416da3c doc: improve migration guide to v2 with a migration example (#715)
7240c1e doc: add terraform 0.13 block to example (#611)
a2b6b1e doc: Documenting how to configure s3 backend with env vars (#604)
7d20528 doc: fix typo in (#717)
2908de7 doc: add pl-waw-1 in region/zone guide (#671)
e6d678b doc: specify root_volume size_in_gb to have a working example (#621)
72556b3 doc: fix dead link to roadmap issue (#641)
5f2db7d doc: fix import command for registry namespace (#657)
e4f9560 doc: add more detailed instructions using projects (#579)


231fc91 chore: purge deprecated resources and non-official go SDK (#578)
7ef294b chore: remove beta reference and renaming nits (#751)

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