github sandboxie-plus/Sandboxie v0.4.0
Release v0.4.0 / 5.43

latest releases: v1.14.2, v1.14.1, v1.14.0...
pre-release3 years ago

This build brings a great new feature, snapshots, these allow to save a box state. The file system changes are saved incrementally for every snapshot a folder named snapshot-n where n is the snapshot id will be created in the box folder. The snapshot layout as well as the information which one is the currently used one are saved in a snapshot.ini in the box folder. With this feature tracing what applications do will be even easier, as well as undoing destructive changes that may have occurred.

Also with this release the SbiePlus build gets an own proper installer, from the get go. If you want t use the Plus build portable just choose the "Extract" option from the installer that will just unpack it to a selected folder.

Important Note:

The SbieDrv.sys driver must be signed, and since the appropriate certificates are prohibitively expensive, I head to use a leaked code signing certificate I found laying around the Internets. This means some anti malware applications wrongfully flag it as potentially dangerous or a virus.

If you want SandboxiePlus to get a proper EV-Code Signing Certificate please support the project through donations. You can donate via paypal at or patreon



  • added a proper custom installer to the the Plus release
  • added sandbox snapshot functionality to sbie core
    -- filesystem is saved incrementally, the snapshots built upon each other
    -- each snapshot gets a full copy of the box registry for now
    -- each snapshot can have multiple children snapshots
  • added access status to resource monitor
  • added setting to change border width
  • added snapshot manager UI to SandMan
  • added template to enable authentication with an Yubikey or comparable 2FA device
  • added ui for program allert
  • added software compatybility options to teh UI


  • SandMan UI now handles deletion of sandboxe content on its own
  • no longer adding redundnat resource accesses as new events


  • fixed issues when hooking functions from delay loaded libraries
  • fixed issues when hooking an already hooked function
  • fixed issues with the new box settings editor


  • removes deprecated workaround in the hooking mechanism for an obsolete antimalware product

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