github sandboxie-plus/Sandboxie 0.6.5
Release v0.6.5 / 5.47.0

latest releases: v1.14.2, v1.14.1, v1.14.0...
pre-release3 years ago

0 5 5

This build fixes many bugs and improves compatibility with various programs, see the ChangeLog for more Details.

If you have issues with an update installation, just uninstall the previous version keeping the sandboxie.ini and reinstall the new build.

You can support the project through donations, any help will be greatly appreciated.



  • added detection for waterfox.exe, Palemoon.exe, basilisk.exe and brave.exe firefox forks
  • added bluetooth API support, IPC port can be opened with "OpenBluetooth=y"
    -- this should resolve issues with many unity games hanging on startup for a long time
  • added enhanced RPC/IPC interface tracing
  • when DefaultBox is not found by the SandMan UI, it will be recreated
  • "Disable Forced Programs" time is now saved and reloaded


  • reduced sandman cpu usage
  • sandboxie.ini and templates.ini can now be UTF8 encoded
    -- this feature is experimental, files without a UTF-8 Signature should be recognized also
    -- "ByteOrderMark=yes" is obsolete, sandboxie.ini is now always saved with a BOM/Signature
  • legacy language files can now be UTF8 encoded
  • reworked file migration behaviour, removed hardcoded lists in favour of templates
    -- you can now use "CopyAlways=", "DontCopy=" and "CopyEmpty=" that support the same syntax as "OpenFilePath="
    -- "CopyBlockDenyWrite=program.exe,y" makes a write open call to a file that won't be copied fail instead of turning it read only
  • removed hardcoded SkipHook list in favour of templates


  • fixed old memory pool leak in the sbie driver
  • fixed issue with item selection in the access restrictions ui
  • fixed updater crash in sbiectrl.exe
  • fixed issues wih RPC calls introduced in sbie 5.33.1
  • fixed recently broken terminate all command
  • fixed a couple minor UI issues with Sandman UI
  • fixed IPC issue with windows 7 and 8 resulting in process termination
  • fixed "recover to" functionality

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