github samuel-lucas6/Kryptor v3.0.3

latest releases: v4.1.0, v4.0.1, v4.0.0...
2 years ago

The first stable release of Kryptor!

  • Validation for file paths now happens before being asked to enter a password.
  • Added empty directory validation.
  • Added a validation check for a salt file when encrypting directories.
  • Added a validation check for a salt file when decrypting directories using a private key.
  • The total number of files count is no longer reduced when a file is invalid (e.g. already encrypted).​
  • Removed error logging. It is not needed, and the log file never got shared in bug reports.
  • Added a private key encryption example to -h|--help to clarify that you do not need to specify your public key when encrypting files for yourself.
  • Simplified the examples in -h|--help.
  • Reworded several error messages.

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